SnowBALl Fight (BAL)

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Look what I did with the title...

I'm proud of myself.

So this one came from one of the (many) OTP prompt books that I read.

Honestly, if you're looking for something to write, I highly suggest prompt books. You never know what you'll find.
~Mal's POV~

I looked out the window. "Ben?"

My ridiculously adorable boyfriend came over to me and wrapped an arm around my waist. "Yeah?"

"What are all those tiny white things coming down from the sky?"

He gaped at me. "You've never seen snow before?"

"Um... no. Back home it was just overcast 24/7."


"So are we cooped up inside all day?"

"No we can go outside."

"It looks cold."

"That's the point," he went to the closet and tossed me a heavy purple jacket.

I caught it. "Why is it so heavy?"


Which was not a satisfying answer.

Nevertheless, I threw it on, and Ben handed me a scarf, hat, and pair of gloves and snow boots. Walking around all bundled up, I felt kind of like a penguin. I'm sure I looked ridiculous.

Ben managed to pull it off, though, as he did with everything. Or maybe I'm biased.

He opened the door, and cold air hit the small part of my face that was uncovered. Then he grabbed my gloved hand and led me out into the snow. The white powder on the ground made a crunching noise when either of us stepped it it, and it was up to almost my knees.

"This is weird," I said, my voice muffled by the scarf over my mouth and also the wind.

"It's not too bad," he responded. "In parts of Arendelle people are getting snowed into their houses."

I made a mental note never to live in Arendelle.

I turned back to the castle, it's towers capped with snow. "What happens to the snow when it warms up?"

Instead of an answer, I felt something hit my back. I turned around to see Ben smirking and forming another snowball in his hands.

"Ben!" I shouted, grabbing some snow in my hands. He threw his second snowball at me, which hit my gloves and made me drop my unformed snowball.

"How do you even-" I was cut off by another one hitting my chest. "Ben!"

He laughed and pushed me down onto the soft snow-covered ground.

"Hey!" I yelled, my scarf falling down to uncover my mouth. Steam rose up every time I spoke.

Also, my hat fell off.

AN: don't you guys just hate it when that happens? It's so annoying.

"What?" Ben asked innocently, laying down in the snow next to me.

"You just had to throw snowballs at me then knock me down?"

"You betcha I did."

I fake-glared at him. "Why?"

"Because you're cute when you're mad," he said simply.

I crossed my arms. "I'm not mad."

"Really?" he tucked a lock of my purple hair back. "You look a bit mad."

"Okay, a little bit but not too much," I admitted.

"You're still cute."


He brushed some snowflakes from my cheek. I was glad that the cold made my face red so I could hide my blush that would normally be on my face whenever Ben was this close to me.

Then he leaned in and kissed me. Right on the lips. In the snow, on the ground, in front of the castle.

The freaking King of Auradon was kissing the daughter of Maleficent.

I loved it. I loved him more.

After we broke away, the wind became louder and the snow rained down. Ben helped me up and we went inside.

After changing out of those heavy snowsuits, he lit the fireplace in his room and we just cuddled on Ben's huge bed in front of the flames with some hot chocolate and strawberries.

"I love you Mal," he said, setting his mug down onto his nightstand.

I put mine down as well. "I love you too."

He put his hand on the back of my neck and brought my face closer to his. I didn't say anything as he kissed me again gently.

In front of the blazing fireplace, wrapped in a thick blanket and Ben's arms... plus his lips on mine... I'm pretty sure that's the warmest I've ever been and ever will be.

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