It's time (Secret Child series)

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A/N: This is a follow up to my 'Secret Child' series. A short story about how Harry & co. would react as Y/N's water broke. 

It all happened during a mother-son interaction. Robin's cheerful laughter filled Anne's entire house while he was dancing with his beautiful mummy. Despite being heavily pregnant, with just one week remaining for the twins' birth, Y/N didn't want to disappoint her son but just fulfill his wish to dance with her. And since he was the firstborn, Robin was the pride of the Styles family, and his parents made sure to spoil him reckless. So, here they were in the middle of the living room, mother and son, moving in circles with their hands linked together.

Not too far away from them, there was a young musician observing them fondly. His heart literally wanted to melt in his chest as he saw the joyful smiles on his family's faces. He loved them more than anything in the world. His fiancée was very wobbly on her feet, resulting her to move around funnily, and Harry found it quite amusing. He averted his gaze from them only to lay it on his lover's pregnant belly. Two baby girls, Mila and Ella, would be waiting for him in there until the day they were born. Harry couldn't wait to meet them. He was covered in nothing but anticipation.

It was fascinating how fast time has passed. Only nine months ago, his daughters had been just as small as a pea, but now, they have grown into very strong and healthy babies, and it was just 7 days that kept them apart from each other. Harry remembered how desperately he would count the days to the moment he'd have his daughters in his arms.

"Robin, be careful." The brunette man advised the young boy in front of him. "Don't dance around in circles all the time or mummy will get dizzy."

On command, Robin started to dance less in circles and less fast. He didn't want to harm his mother after all. He stopped entirely in his tracks when he saw exhaustion written across his mother's face. Y/N had tried hiding the signs of exhaustion the best way she could, however her she became very tired after a while, it wasn't avoidable. Getting tired was one of her early pregnancy symptoms. She gasped for air.

And in that moment, it happened....

The little boy was the first one to notice. Harry was about to leave the room to support Anne and Gemma in the kitchen, who were preparing dinner, when his son hindered him from doing so.

"Daddy, look! Mummy peed her pants." Robin called excitedly, pointing his finger at the developing puddle on the white marble floor beneath Y/N's legs. A slight giggle left the young boy's lips, apparently finding the fact that his mother had wetted herself very funny. Harry turned around and faced the young child confusedly, his eyes wandering to the spot his son was drawing attention to. He observed the puddle shortly. The liquid's color underneath his fiancée, however, didn't have the consistence of urine, but something else. It kind of looked whitish. Then he directed his eyes to Y/N who stood there completely motionless.

Judging by the shocked look on her face and her frozen posture, Harry knew it wasn't what Robin thought it was at all.

"That's not pee, buddy." He breathed, realization hitting him.

"If it's not pee, daddy, what is it then?" The four-year-old questioned. Instead of providing his son an answer, Harry instantly started to panic. No one had prepared him for this moment. His voice suddenly boomed through the entire house, making the young boy in front of him flinch in his position. "Mum! Gemma! I need you here ASAP! Y/N's water just broke!"

"Mummy's what broke?" Robin freaked out, fear lacing his voice as he tugged his mother's arm repeatedly, trying to get her attention. "Mummy, what's the matter with you?" Tears had already welled his green eyes. He was afraid that something bad might have happened to his beloved mother. "Mummy!"

Harry immediately rushed towards his partner, one hand holding onto her free hand while his arm slung around her hip. "You're okay, love, aren't you?"

Anne and Gemma had also arrived at the living room by now, watching the entire scene worriedly.

Y/N woke up from her shaken state and nodded. "Yes. This- this was just unexpected." She stated, glancing down at the floor. "I thought we just had another week?"

"I don't know, love." Harry replied, being just as thrown off guard as her.

Understanding the situation, Gemma commented, "It's time, isn't it?" A happy smile adorned her features. "No worries, darling. It happens that babies want to be born earlier than they usually should."

The pregnant woman asked, "You sure?"


"Listen," Harry interfered, grabbing his house keys out of his pocket and shoving it aggressively into his sister's hands. "I need you to go to our place, while I'm driving Y/N to the hospital, and get her some underwear, pajamas, shirt, sweatpants and socks. You can find a bag in our wardrobe. Put them all in there, and make sure you don't forget her toiletries. I'll meet you at the hospital."

"Got it." Gemma said. "But Harry, please chill and don't freak out, alright?" The blonde woman smiled in order to provide comfort to her younger brother. "Y/N's gonna be very vulnerable, and she needs someone to be strong for her when she's in pain, so don't stress her out. Be calm"

Gemma understood her brother's nervousness and excitement, since it was going to be the first time he'd personally be welcoming his children to the world, however he had to keep a clear head. She knew all too well how Harry dealt with a stressful situation, and adding his pressure onto Y/N meant too much stress for the babies, which might complicate the delivery.

Harry shook his head at his sister's advice, then leading his partner carefully to the front door, taking their jackets from the hanger and gently helping Y/N to put it on. After that, he looked at his mother. "Mum, can you please take care of Robin? I don't think he will be able to make the night in there. I'll give you a call when the babies arrived."

"Of course." Anne replied and picked up her grandchild, who almost looked like he was about to burst into tears, from the ground. Poor child didn't comprehend what was really going on, and nobody was explaining him what was happening with his mother either. "Robin and I are gonna have a nice evening, right?" She gave a peck on Robin's cheek. She didn't mind not being a part of the delivery. She had already witnessed her first grandchild's birth, and she wanted to be satisfied with that.

"Daddy, what's wrong with mummy? Where are you going?" Robin's fearful eyes searched for Harry's, looking for a sign of comfort.

The young father, who couldn't endure his baby being in distress, brought his firstborn's face between his hands, kissing his forehead lovingly before saying, "We're heading to the hospital buddy, because your sisters chose to say hello to the world."

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