Unforgettable Night

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(Y/N)'s mind was buried deep into her studies as someone knocked on her front door and tore her out of her learning session. Checking up the time of her watch she wore on her wrist she noticed that it was 5 PM in the evening and she had spent fully five hours of studying without taking any break. Only now a slight hint of headache occurred and (Y/N) decided it was a good idea to lay her notices aside and try to relax. She stood up from her chair to respond the knocks on her door.

"I'm coming!" She called and when she opened the door, she was greeted by a very handsome, dimpled young man with the most beautiful eyes she had ever seen in her entire life. Her heart started to flutter. A smile appeared instantly on her lips as she stood face to face with her best friend.

" 'ello love!" Harry said, carrying a little bouquet of flowers in his one hand while his other hand held a little white plastic bag. Giving her a kiss on her cheek, he entered the apartment, took his coat off and stepped directly into the kitchen.

" Hi Harry..." (Y/N) closed the door and followed him straight to the kitchen where he was taking a small box out of the plastic back and unpacking it.

"Bought you your favorite doughnuts, love." He informed her, handing her over one sweet treat with a pink frosting.

"That's very lovely, thank you." The young woman replied and after she took a smile bite from her doughnut and chewed it properly, enjoying the taste on her tongue, she also thanked him for the beautiful flowers that he got for her.

"You really didn't have to buy me flowers, Harry. I would have been fine with only doughnuts."

"Nah, I love to make you happy. Besides I thought they could bring some life into your apartment because everything else in here looks boring." His dimples popped up as he grinned widely at her. (Y/N) rolled her eyes, hitting him slightly on his arm.

"Idiot." She chuckled. "So, what brings you here? I thought I wouldn't get to see you till next Friday?" She once again bit into her doughnut.

"I had some business to do in the city and was very close nearby so I assumed it was a great idea to check up on you and bless you with my presence."

"Very thoughtful. I'm honored." She said, then walking to her fridge to take out two cans of coke."But you have been careful when you came here, haven't you?"

"Yes, no worries! There were no cameras or fans around luckily." Keeping her private life was a high priority in (Y/N)'s life, so when Harry decided to visit her, he had to make sure that no one was chasing after him to not reveal the location of her apartment.

"What have you been up to? Studying again?" He asked.

"Mhm, I have some upcoming exams that I need to get ready for unfortunately. They rob me of my last nerve. It's unbearable. Urgh."

"I'm glad that I do not have to study." Harry said, opening the lid of his coke and taking a gulp out of it.

"You're lucky you have talent, Harry. If I had a voice as good as yours, I would have probably not put myself under so much pressure."

"You think being a singer is easy?"

"It's definitely easier than studying."

"If you knew." He sighed.

They both exited the kitchen and made themselves comfortable on the couch in the living room, positioning their drinks on the small table in the middle of the room.

"Do you have any plans on Saturday?" Harry inquired.

"I don't think so. Why you're asking?"

"I was wondering if you'd like to accompany me to a wedding and be my date for the night."

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