I love...

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Y/N finally arrived at her house, tears covering her rosy cheeks and she was shivering on her entire body. Her fingers being shaky, she unlocked the front door and walked in, throwing her bag to the ground with such a force that the whole content fell out. While choking out heavy sobs, she stomped up the stairs to her bedroom. With all her might, she slammed the door behind her and locked it up, shutting herself out of the world. She rested herself onto the ground, wrapped her arms around her knees and weighed back and forth. Downstairs, she could already hear her mom's desperate calls and questions whether she was fine. But she could care less about her.

She was so tired. Tired of school. Tired of life. Tired of people and mostly tired of a girl who tormented her since middle school. Catherine. She was the most popular girl at school, probably in the whole city. Very beautiful, sexy and intelligent. Everybody wanted to befriend her. But in all honesty, she was a bitch. She had an extremely sharp tongue and could be very cruel to people she loved to pick on. You should not mess with her, otherwise she would not hesitate to destroy your existence.

Not a day passed in which she wouldn't ruin Y/N's life. Since she was dating her crush, Harry Styles, her attacks on her became worse and she always made sure to make her life a living hell. There were so many rumors spreading about her, already the entire school knew her name and believed she was a whore, a slut or whatever Catherine was telling the students about her. Y/N tried to be strong and hoped it would stop. However, her pleading was not granted. When she would pass the hallway to her locker, she could always feel the intense glare of her classmates. She knew they were whispering and talking about her, but she always looked straight and tried not to make eye contact with anyone.

Today, however, was a nightmare. It ruined the last bits of self love Y/N had for herself.

She was sitting at the canteen, peacefully trying to eat her meal. It was one those moments where she wasn't terrorized by Katherine and her friends. Nobody would notice her and that was absolutely fine. Maybe Catherine finally decided to leave her alone, at least for today. But then, out of nowhere, she had come towards Y/N, holding a cup of milkshake in her hand. Y/N had looked confused but Catherine shared a mischievous smile and suddenly tilted the cup down. Y/N had let out frightened scream as she was soaked with milkshake. Her hair, her face, everything was sticky. The whole canteen, who was watching the action amusedly, was laughing at her. Y/N felt humiliated and wanted to crawl into a deep whole and never appear again. Catherine had crossed her arms, staring at her with fake pity in her eyes. "Poor, little (Y/N). Look at yourself. All dirty and stinky. I can't understand what Harry finds about an ugly, fat cow like you."

Tears had run down her cheeks, as she immediately picked her things and left the canteen. The humorous laughter of her classmates still sounded in her ears.

Her heart wrenched as she cried even more. She hated her with all her might. Catherine knew her weakness, things that made her vulnerable and of course used these to her own advantages.

Y/N perceived footsteps on the other side of the door and her mother was calling for her, knocking constantly on the wooden material. "(Y/N). Love, are you alright?"

Y/N had no strength to respond. She didn't want to tell her what happened.

"Go away! " She only shouted.

"Love, just tell me what happened. Why are you crying?"

She left her mother without an explanation, stood up and went to her bathroom. She undressed herself, throwing her milkshake covered clothes into the laundry basket and then climbed under the shower. The hot warm water welcomed her body in a matter of seconds and she started to relax.

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