Leaving you- the aftermath

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I knew he was happy. I could clearly feel it. The way he spun her around with nothing but happiness and tenderness displayed on his handsome face was proof enough that his heart had healed a long time ago, ready to be in love again.

I didn't know what really had brought me here and what I was expecting to see. Maybe I just wanted to search for some confirmation that he was truly going to marry someone else. Niall, with whom I was still in good contact despite my breakup with Harry, had spoiled about my ex boyfriend's upcoming engagement celebration and it had been the first time in two years that I had heard any news regarding him. It would be a complete lie if I told you that I didn't felt a deep sting in my heart and that I was disappointed. A little part of me had still clung onto the hope that, one day, Harry would miraculously take me back. It had been foolish to think like this.

It took me a lot of persuasion to get Niall to tell me where this celebration would be taking place. I just wanted to see Harry for the very last time, I had no intention to talk to anyone. I would be hiding somewhere in the room where no one could see me and just observe the event.

That's what I was doing now.

Watching how Harry danced lovingly with his soon-to-be wife.

I fiddled my necklace.

The ring he wanted to propose to me with hung around my neck as a painful reminder of what I could've had but unfortunately had given up. It hurt every time I spared a glance at it, knowing that if I hadn't been too determined to leave him, it could've been me, and not his new partner, dancing around with him happily right at this moment. I fucked up big time, but still, I was sort of relieved that Harry had found someone else to be his instead of grieving for his former relationship. Two years had passed already. Enough time to let go.

Despite having tears in my eyes while watching the scenery, I still smiled at the sight in front of me. Harry bent down to give his new love a soft kiss on her cheek whereupon the young woman blushed and buried her face in the crook of his neck. He whispered something into her ear, which made both of them laugh. That gentle act of love reminded me of the many times that Harry would kiss me out of nowhere or at moments when I least expected it, causing me to react exactly the same way his fiancée did. I would've been a blushing mess, especially when he had shown signs of affection while his family had been around. Then I would've been so red that you could've compared me to a tomato.

Sometimes I wondered how my life would've looked like if I still had Harry by my side. Would our love have overshadowed all the negativity that I had seen so far? Would our love have been enough to overcome every hurdle that was on our way? The answer was simple- yes. But it was too late now and Harry's heart, that I had once broken, was taken again. There was no possibility to rewind time.

As I was about to turn around, I felt someone's hand on my shoulder, gently squeezing it.

"Hi Y/N." A familiar voice spoke to me. Panic rose in every cell of my body as I turned around to face the woman I hadn't seen for a while. She was smiling at me.

"Good evening Anne. How do you know it was me?" I said, tilting my head down in embarrassment.

"I would recognize you everywhere, even from the back." She laughed. "How are you love?" Why was she so nice to me? Shouldn't she hate me because I had broken her son's heart?

"I'm fine. How are you?"

"I couldn't be better." She responded, bringing her attention to her son and her daughter-in-law who stood in the middle of the dance floor. Her eyes were gleaming, full of joy for the young couple in love.

My gaze followed hers.

"I'm not going to ask you what you're doing here, Y/N, since it is quite obvious why you came." Her eyes bore into my soul, but she was still smiling. It wasn't her intention to intimidate me, I could tell. If I wasn't mistaken, I could detect a little bit of sympathy in her green orbs.

"I just wanted to know how he's doing, that's all. And apparently he's doing awesome. That's everything I need to know." I urged a smile, despite my insides were shrinking one by one.

"Y/N, honestly, it wasn't easy for him to get over you, no matter how much he claimed he did. I could see that he missed you and that he hoped you would take him back somehow, but when he received nor call or a message that he was desperately waiting for, he finally gave up." She sighed. "Harry is normally a stubborn person, fighting for something until he gets it, so he surprised me when he told me that he was letting you go. I really wished it didn't end up like this. You know how much I actually liked you."

"I'm sorry..." It was the only thing that came into my mind.

"Are you doing well at least?" She inquired. "Mentally, I mean? Are you okay?"

"Yes, yes, I'm good." I nodded my head assuringly. I really did feel a whole lot better than I did two years ago and my therapy sessions helped a hell lot to strengthen my confidence and to find peace. I was living the private life that I had strived for, however, there would be always something missing in my life.Harry.

"That's lovely to hear, darling." She laid both of her hands on my shoulder, gently massaging them as if she intended to motivate me. "I hope that one day, you'll find your soulmate just as my son did."

I reciprocated her smile. My head turned back to him and his fiancée.

"She's a wonderful young woman, Y/N." Anne told me. "I bet you would've liked her. You both have so many things in common."

I could see it.

"I'm happy he's found someone else worthy of his love." I said, looking away when Harry kissed her on her mouth, ignoring the deep ache in between my ribs.

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