Young parents

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"I love you, baby girl." I cooed to the little bundle of joy in my arms. Rocking her slowly back and forth, I whispered sweet nothings to my two month old baby. I have never felt happy in my entire life. She was the best thing that could have happened to me. She looked very much like her father. Brown curly hair, mesmerizing green eyes, her lips. Everything about her looked like the young man that I loved whole-heartedly.

I have to admit, the beginning of my new life as a mother was not very easy. Our baby had been a surprise actually. She was not planned to be created. Especially at our young age. Harry has become a father at the age of 17 and I was sixteen as he got me pregnant. I didn't know how it could happen. We always used protection while making love to each other but I think the last time we did, we weren't cautious enough. I didn't put the blame on him though, not at all. Having kids with Harry was something I've always dreamed of. It was only a bad timing, I guess. However, I didn't regret anything of it. He gave me the precious creature on earth. Our daughter.

As I found out about my pregnancy, I panicked. With tears in my eyes and heavy sobs escaping my mouth, I ran over to Harry's, holding the positive pregnancy test in my hands. I felt desperate, not knowing what to do. My body was filled with fear. Fear of confronting Harry with the news, fear of looking into my parents eyes. Fear of meeting Anne, Robin and Gemma. What would they all think of me? We were so young to become parents.

I still remembered the expression and Harry's face as I showed him the result of the test. The color in his face vanished rapidly, turning completely pale. His whole body trembled slightly. He was as helpless as I was but nevertheless he remained strong, pulling me towards him and wrapping his arms around me.

"It'll be alright." He murmured into my ear. "We can do this together. I'll take care of you."

We told our parents that evening. I was so afraid of their reaction but Harry, Harry was more courageous and tougher than I could have been. Of course, we did expect their terrified and shocked reactions. My parents looked at me with a disappointed look on their faces. They told me to consider abortion as an option to get rid of that child, which made me even more shocked than I already was. I was afraid of them abandoning me if I didn't do what they told me.

"It's not your decision to make." Anne interfered with anger evident in her voice. "If she wants to keep the baby, so she should do it. I admit, I'm not very happy about my son becoming a father at such a young age but nevertheless Robin and I are going to support them no matter what happens. If you're not willing to support your child nor cooperating with us, then you should leave. We will take good care of (Y/N) and the baby. She has already become a part of our family."

I admired her persistence in that moment. Anne being Anne, she saw always the positive way of life. And I loved her for it. Whatever she did to convince my parents, they apologized to me and became supportive during my pregnancy stage. Harry was my rock, he tried to be there for me as much as he could. We spent lots of time together, more than we usually did. The best moments were those where Harry started to talk to my baby bump, peppering it with kisses, stroking it and singing to it with his angelic voice.

"I can't wait to hold her in my arms."He told me. "Once she's here, I'm going to spoil her as much as I can. I'll treat her like a princess. I'm going to protect her. I'll try to be the best father she has. I promise."

I never doubted everything he said to me. He worked hard in the bakery to earn money, taking lots of shifts that he could. I appreciated his effort, I really did, but I also felt guilty. I knew he had dreams. He wanted to go to X-Factor to fulfill his biggest wish. Becoming a singer. But with the baby on its way, I kinda felt like an obstacle in his life.

"Don't you talk like that, love." He said sternly, as I told him my worries. "Neither you nor the baby are keeping me away from anything. Believe me or not, this is everything I wished and everything I could ask for."

He was only 17 but so optimistic and excited. I could tell by the way he looked at me and my growing belly.

"I see a bright and happy future ahead us."

Now that our baby girl was finally here, I was more excited for the future.

"Who's the most beautiful baby in the world?" I whispered, caressing her cheek. "That's you my love. Mommy loves you so much. Daddy loves you even more. We love you, Darcy Anne."

I knew Darcy was a name he wanted to give his first daughter so we did. I also wanted to name her after her Grandma because she helped us a lot. Without her help and advice, we wouldn't know what to do. I owe her so many things. She was my second mum.

I hummed a lullaby, causing Darcy to fall asleep. She loved when you sang to her. She loved it even more when Harry sang to her.

"Hey." I turned around and was greeted by Harry, leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed. He smiled at me adoringly.

"How long have you been standing there?" I inquired.

"Not too long. Just came in and caught you singing to her."

I put Darcy into her crib, covering her up with her pink blanket. Harry joined me as we both watched our baby girl sleeping. Her tiny chest lifted and fell with every breath she inhaled and exhaled and believe me it was the cutest thing ever.

"Isn't she lovely, Isn't she wonderful, Isn't she precious, Less than one minute old..." Harry sang, wrapping his arms around my waist. I had to grin, laying my hands on top of his.

"Have you made your decision yet?" I asked him.

"About what, darlin'?"

"Applying to X-Factor. I know you still want to go, Harry. Do whatever your heart desires, my love. I'm going to support you as much as I can. And don't worry about me or Darcy. We won't be alone. We have our parents who are there for us. So, please Harry, do it. I could never forgive myself if you can't fulfill your dreams." I was being honest with him. I couldn't forgive myself for holding him back from something he really loved to do.

"Thank you (Y/N)." Harry responded, kissing my temple gently. "I will think about it. But now, I just want to spend time with my family as much as I can. X-Factor can wait. I mean, Darcy isn't going to stay like this forever and I don't want to miss anything in her life. Her first everything. Her first steps, her first words, her first teeth. To experience those things means more to me than X-Factor."

I smiled at him, cupping his cheeks and kissing his lips softly. We stood there another few minutes, staring at our baby girl with pure love, adoration and admiration in our eyes and our hearts.

"My little family." Harry murmured.

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