Can you feel my love?

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Nothing better could ever describe the feeling of coming home to the person you love the most and letting yourself being wrapped in their arms, drowning yourself in the warmth of their body after a long day at work.

Once Harry unlocks his front door and steps into the safety and security of his apartment, he lets out a relieved sigh. Spotting his girlfriend sitting cosily on his couch, wearing one of his sweaters and munching on a crisp from the package in her hand while watching another episode of Friends, a smile makes its way on his lips. Throughout the day he has missed her so much. His day has started by waking up early in the morning and not being able to say goodbye to his love who still was sleeping by that time he had to leave to the studio, staying there till the late hours of the day. Of course, Harry couldn't bring himself to wake her up- she looks very cute when she sleeps- so he let her dwell longer in the land of dreams, giving her a kiss on her forehead before he went off.

"Welcome back!" He hears her voice calling from the living room.

Striping off his boots from his feet, he strolls to his girlfriend who still has her eyes glued on the TV screen. With an exhausted sigh, he lets himself falling smoothly onto her body, being already awaited by the longing arms of Y/N. She catches him and presses his head gently against her chest.

"Hey, love." Harry mumbles, enjoying the sensation that her fingers leave behind when they brush through the long strands of his hair. He hums contently, burying his face closer into her chest. The soft beating of her heart hitting his ear is enough to lull him to sleep.

"How was work?" Y/N inquires.

"Tiring. Had a meeting in which we settled the tour days, interviews and stuff. Sat in this conversation hall for hours."

"Awww, my poor baby." Y/N remarks with a giggle.

"The boys say hello. Niall's invited us for barbecue for some time. Thinks we all need to get together before tour starts again. Would be lovely to hang out, I think."

"It definitely would. I have some leftovers in the fridge and if you'd like I can warm them up."

Harry shakes his head. "Had something to eat already. Went out with ma pals once I finally got out of that hell of studio."

"Drama queen."

Harry lifts up his head and rolls his eyes at her. "What were you up to all day? Sorry I couldn't text you that much. Like I've said, I was trapped between those four walls."

"It's okay. " Y/N says, petting his hair. "Nothing much actually. I've gone shopping with Ella and we had lunch together at some restaurant. Came back home and haven't left the couch since."

Y/N has been busy with college and studying that she had no chance to relax properly. Now that she has finally finished all her exams, she thought she rewarded herself with a lazy afternoon on the couch while watching her favourite series.

She earns a nod from him. "Missed you..."

"I missed you too, Harry." Her lips meet his forehead. She feels his body getting heavier on hers and notices that he's at the verge of falling asleep on her. Not that she would ever complain, she actually loves to watch him a lot when he sleeps but Harry seems so tired and fatigued from his day, it would be better for him to go to bed right now.

Before she can address her thoughts to him, Harry gets up and kisses her lips gently.

"I'm off to bed, love. " He informs her. "Don't stay awake for long, okay?"

"Will do. Let me just watch this episode and then I'll join you."

She watches him passing the corner of the hall and after turning left he's out of her sight.

Not an hour later, she silently opens the door to their bedroom, only to catch her angel lying in between the comfy white sheets of their bed.

Her heart melts to the sight. Every day she falls more in love with this man and there are even times in which she really questions if he's real or just a product of her imagination. But he's real than a human could ever be. He's a blessing to this world, she's figured this out long time ago.

She strips out of her clothes and slips next to Harry.

His hair is sprawled all across the pillow, even masking a little bit of his face and soft snores escape his slightly open lips. What a true honour it is to witness him in this vulnerable state. After one year of dating, Y/N still can't believe that the Harry Styles from One Direction has chosen to love her, and only her. She's no one famous with no special reputation, just a normal girl from London but with a personality as golden and pure as it ever could be- enough to attract Harry's attention.

She brushes his curls from his face and observes his features. Her heart doing flips while she watches him.

"My sleeping beauty." She whispers softly in his ear. Harry doesn't stiff at all. He sleeps hard like a stone. One of her hand glides around his bare stomach, tightening its hold on him while her other hand caresses his messy hair. Her face bents forward, letting her lips meeting the base of his jaw where she puckers tiny little kisses on the soft skin.

"I love you so much." She tells him. She really loves to murmur sweet nothings in his ear while he sleeps. By this way, she often gets the courage to tell him unspeakable things which she would never say to him out of embarrassment even though there is nothing she has to feel uncomfortable about. What she doesn't know is that Harry sometimes-if he isn't tired enough- pretends to be falling asleep just because he absolutely adores listening to the wonderful things she says that build him up.

Harry mostly radiates self-confidence but even he has his insecurities as well.

"You've worked so hard on your dreams and I'm so proud how far you've come. Despite all the media attacks, all the fame and all the stress you go through every day, you still manage to keep your feet on the ground and I really admire that. I love how you try to make people happy, I love how you try to make up your time for sick children and teenagers only to put a smile on their faces. I love how you try to make their wishes to meet you come true. You support so many communities and charities, Harry, people like you rarely exist in this world. They try to break you but you reach out to them with kindness. You have such a large fan base that's got your back, even elder people do like you Harry, I really adore this. I recently saw a post on Instagram in which a girl describes how much her father likes you and your music and I kind of had to laugh about it. It's adorable. "

She nuzzles her face on his shoulder blade. "I love your freaky side, the way you try to entertain people and make them laugh. I love your serious side and how you always put the ones you love first, also when it comes to their safety. But I also love your vulnerable side, you may think that it's not normal for men to cry but it is. It is okay to feel down at times. We're all human beings. Even Harry Styles."

Kissing the skin of his shoulder, she continues.

"Thank you for everything you do for me. I've never fell for somebody as hard as I fell for you. You make me feel so special and so loved. You showed me the wonderful side of this world. I owe you for a lifetime. There is no place I ever want to be except by your side."

Being slightly overwhelmed by her emotions, Y/N suppresses the tears in her eyes.

"I'll see you in the morning, H." She yawns, feeling her limbs slowly getting heavier, cuddling closer against him, her front meeting his back.

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