Chapter 33: An A rank mission

Start from the beginning

I nodded "I will go get ready and makes sure we are all set to go there"

They nodded as I left the office, walking in the hall I stared through the window at the night sky.

'It's one trouble after another' I thought sighing 'I just hope everyone's okay there!'

I started running outside of the building making my way home to get my bag and weapon pouch ready.

'On the other hand it's been seven years since I went there' I though with a smile 'can't help but feel happy to be going there again'

'That's the worst time to be happy' Yami growled irritated 'the place getting attacked it never happened, It's not even possible the enemy you're going to face won't be a puny one'

'I know' I thought as I jumped through the village gates 'But I won't allow them to hurt my home no matter what'


Hideo Pov

As soon as Sara left the office Lady Tsunade turned to me, I could see she was thinking seriously about something.

"I want to confirm something" She said before asking "How much is Sara like her mother?"

I didn't need to think about the answer when in terms of likeness; Sara got her mother's looks, stubbornness and self-sacrifice, but then she also got her father's brains, temper and leadership. And that was the answer I gave Lady Tsunade.

"I figured as much" She said worriedly "That means that she will go to any extent to ensure everyone's safety but her own…."

She said out loud and I couldn't disagree, that was how Sara always acted.

"On a mission like this, she probably will do just that" She continued "Hideo her condition is already bad enough, add to it pushing herself. I need you to make sure she doesn't push herself"

"You don't have to tell me for me to do it" I told her "Watching over Sara is what I always do"

"One more thing though…" She started and what she said did make things complicated.

Sara Pov

I had already went to my house and packed up and was now on my way to the gates. It was dusk already making me realize that we needed to step on it since we still had at least two days' worth of traveling or flying in this case.

I landed at clearing close to the gate and big enough for me to summon the flock. Taking a deep I started forming the hand signs, before slamming my hands on the ground.

'Summoning jutsu!' I thought instead of shouting out loud. Smoke appeared before disappearing away showing 4 birds, among them were Sadao and Satoshi. There were also Shou and Daichi they were brothers and were Satoshi's sons they were like Satoshi with his white feathers but While Satoshi head feathers were brown, Daichi had black head feathers and Shou had white head feather but brown feather covered the front of his body.

I gave them a smile "Hadn't seen the two of you in a while?" I said to the brothers, Daichi who was the elder brother scowled at me "With all the fighting you have been going through you never thought to summon anyone but Sadao and father"

"The rest of the flock is pretty mad too" Shou said with a frown "Emiko have been sad thinking you're mad at her"

"Guys you know it's nothing like that" I told them waving my hand in front of me trying to explain myself "I just don't want you to get hurt"

"Do we seem like little chicks to you?!" Daichi asked a bit angry

"That's enough!" Satoshi yelled at him "You're being disrespectful, also now is not the time for this"

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