Chapter twenty four

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*sexual assault.*

Gracelyn pulled her jacket closer around her body and walked to the college desk.
The officeworker looked up. "Hello dear."
Gracelyn handed her the application. "I have this."
The lady nodded. "Thank you. Is all your information on it?"
Gracelyn nodded. "It is."
"Okay. We will send you more information soon! Have a lovely day ." The lady said and returned to the computer.
Gracelyn then walked to the local town restaurant. She walked to the counter. "I have an interview scheduled. My name is Gracelyn-"
"Ah I remember you calling. I'll go get the hiring manager." The girl said.
Gracelyn stood to the side and saw a little girl running over to her mother. Her mother was on her phone. "Mom! Look! I can dance!" She cried and twirled.
"That's nice." Her mother said but didn't even look at her.
The girl looked defeated.
Gracelyn smiled. "You dance beautifully!"
The girl turned and smiled. "Really?"
Gracelyn nodded.
The mother ended her call. "Okay you'll have to go to work with me from now on."
Gracelyn looked at the mother. "I'm training to be a nanny if you ever need someone to help with this cutie."
The mother looked at her. "Do you work well with kids?"
Gracelyn nodded. "I do."
The mother pondered. "I do need a nanny. She chased out the last one. Here." She handed Gracelyn her card. "My address is on it. Could I interview you tomorrow around seven pm?"
Gracelyn nodded. "Of course."
The mother took her daughters hand. "Come on Evelyn. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow." She said and walked outside.
The manager walked out from the back. "Good morning. You must be Gracelyn."
Gracelyn looked at her. "Uh-" she smiled. "I don't think I'll be able to work here anymore. I'm sorry for the inconvenience."
The manager smiled. "That's okay. Thank you for letting me know. Have a good day." She said.
Gracelyn walked outside and walked down the sidewalk.
She looked at the card and slid it into her pocket. She walked back to her house.
She walked inside. Her mother was sitting on the couch reading to the girls.
Gracelyn walked upstairs. She walked to her room and sat on her bed. Immediately she felt her phone ring. She pulled it out. An unknown number. She answered. "Hello?"
       "So this is your number! I hope you don't mind. I looked it up." The lady said.
      "Oh! You're the woman I spoke to earlier! Hello!" Gracelyn said.
      "Correct! That's me. May I help you?" Gracelyn asked.
       "Yes actually. My husband and I got scheduled for a meeting in an hour and I have no sitter. Would you mind?" The woman asked.
      "Not At all. Where would you like me to meet you?" Gracelyn asked.
     The lady gave her an address. Gracelyn hung up and walked downstairs. The woman lived in her neighborhood. She walked outside and began her walk to woman's house. By the time she arrived the woman was already at the door. She ushered Gracelyn inside and shut the door. "I knew I recognized you." The woman said.
Gracelyn looked at the door as she locked it. "Do you remember me?" The woman asked and shut the curtains.
Gracelyn felt her heart begin to speed up. She looked at her. "I-"
"I won't hurt you. I wasn't like her." The woman said.
Gracelyn clenched her fists. "You're her sister."
The woman smiled and nodded. "I won't hurt you, but I won't let you go." She sneered. "Evelyn! Come meet your cousin!" She yelled.
Gracelyn felt her breath catch and the little girl ran downstairs. "So She is the girl you thought she was?"
The child's mother nodded. "This is her." The woman walked over and grabbed Gracelyn's wrist. "I won't hurt you but my brother might."
A man walked into the room. Gracelyn froze. Daddy's brother in law walked in. Gracelyn knew him.
He grinned and grabbed her cheeks. "Ah you look well. Fat as well." He snapped and grabbed her wrist. "I'll show you your room. Let's get your bed settled in." He snapped and pulled her upstairs. Gracelyn tried to fight back but he grabbed her and pulled Ed over his shoulders. She slammed her into a bed and slammed the door shut. He was already ripping his clothing off and pulled her pants down.
"Please!" Gracelyn cried. He gripped his hand over her mouth and pumped his member with his hand. His other worked on her. Gracelyn tried to kick him away. He pinned her arms down and pumped into her. Quickly and rough. She had no time to react. Her scream stuck in her throat. His hands beat her until she was bloody and blue, and he slammed into her with all his force. Finally after what seemed to be forever, he laid back in the bed and she soon heard snoring.
Gracelyn slowly moved from the bed and winced. She pulled her clothing on, torn and all, and walked to the window. They didn't have it bolted shut quite yet. Gracelyn ignored her pain and pushed the window open. She took one last glance at him and dropped to the ground below, hard. She got to her feet and forced herself to walk forward. She kept glancing back hoping no one noticed her absence. It was dark now. Gracelyn finally made it to her own home and fell against the door. She felt her energy drain. The door opened. "Momma! Gracelyn's hurt!"

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