Chapter ninteen

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Gracelyn threw up and felt sweaty. Her whole body ached. She never felt this bad. She felt like she was dying.
She went to the bar with Stella and had one drink. Now she felt like she was going to die. She couldn't even move her body enough to throw up in the trash can.
Her door open opened. "Momma s- Momma!" Eliza screamed. She ran out of the room.
Gracelyn felt bile rise in her mouth and she threw up again. Her clothes smelled of vomit. She saw red. Lots of red. She was shaking because she felt cold but that was because she was so hot she felt cool.
Gracelyn's mother ran into the room. Stella was there. She just have just gotten there. "Shit! Gracelyn." Her mother said and ran to her bed. "Get a clean set of clothes from her drawer please." Her mother said and lifted her head up. "Gracelyn?"
She closed her eyes and took a breath. She felt nauseous again. "Move."
Her mother pressed a hand to her forehead. "You're burning up."
Gracelyn pushed her away and threw up all over herself. Blood mixing. She coughed and winced.
Her mother wiped her hair off of her forehead. She pulled the sheets off and pushed them aside. Stella handed her the fresh clothes. "Call 911. Get an ambulance here now." She said. Stella nodded and ran out of the room. Her mother pulled the sticky shirt off of her daughter and put a fresh one on her. She changed her daughters outfit and lifted her tiny frame into her hands. "What happened?"
Gracelyn closed her eyes and her head rested against her mother's shoulder.
Stella ran back to them. "They're on their way. Is she okay?"
Gracelyn was shaking harder. She moaned. "I-it Hurts." She said softly.
Stella looked at her worried. "Gracie w-what-"
The door opened downstairs. "Hello?"
"Stella please stay with Eliza. I'll be back soon." She said and walked Gracelyn downstairs. Stella looked out the window and saw them get in the ambulance.
"What's wrong with my sister?" Eliza asked softly from the end of the hall.
Stella shook her head. "I don't know kid."

The doctor looked at Gracelyn. "Someone poisoned you. We're flushing your system but a lot of damaged. You may be sick for a long while. And since you're already so thin this was enough to push your body to breaking point." He said. "Do you have any idea who poisoned you? Is everything okay at home?"
Gracelyn shook under her blanket. Her teeth chattered. "M-my homes f-fine." She mumbled.
     "Who poisoned you?" He asked.
    Gracelyn shook her head and turned away. "I-I don't know." She said softly.
      "Alright. Fine. You don't have to talk to me. I'm going to allow your mother to take you home now. You'll be miserable. You thought you felt bad at your home before you came here? You'll feel a thousand times worse. I don't know what they gave you. I can't give you anything to help you. Your body is going to fight but without the medication who knows how long it can fight." He said and walked out of the room.
     Gracelyn felt tears fill her eyes. She didn't know who did it. She probably never would but she felt horrible with whatever he gave her.

      Gracelyn shook violently. Her teeth shattered so hard. She closed her eyes and cried. She was covered in her own vomit. Her mother and sister were at her school orientation. She was fine before they left. Like the doctor said though. She felt so much worse.
      She clenched the bedsheets and cried out. "G-god." She moaned.
   She felt like her heart was going to pound out of her chest. She was drenched in sweat. Whatever he gave her wasn't leaving her system and her body wasn't fighting it enough to make her feel any better. She coughed and cried out again. Her whole body ached.
     The front door opened. "I'm home!" A familiar voice said. She shivered. Her father.
      She struggled to sit up but she simply wasn't strong enough. She fell against the pillow and felt nauseous and her head spun. She leaned over slightly and threw up beside the bed. She winced. She let out a breath and heard the door open. "Shit." He mumbled. "I didn't think it would be this bad." M

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