Chapter one

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Gracelyn shivered in the thin dress she was given. The basement was freezing. She shivered and looked at the other person in the corner. She was new. Only twelve years old.
      "Are you hungry?" Gracelyn asked.
      "I miss my momma." The little girl said in a soft voice. Her little lip quivered with fear.
      Gracelyn looked at the girl and stood up on shaky legs. She was a thin girl before she was kidnapped but she was sickly now. Her kidnapper liked her that way. "I know you miss her. She misses you too." Gracelyn day next to the scared girl. "Listen, just do what she tells you and you'll be okay. She hates it when we fight back. Kristian didn't make it because she always ran her mouth." Gracelyn said. "So just do what she says. Call her ma'am. She's always high on drugs or drunk but that doesn't mean she's not smart. She can kill you quickly at anytime."
       This only made the little girl cry more. "I don't like you. You act like her. I'm scared!"
      "I only want to help you. I've been here for six years. I know what she's capable of." Gracelyn said. "She's sick and twisted but she's extremely smart."
       The girl said nothing and buried her face in her knees.
    Gracelyn's heart pounded as the door opened. Her kidnapper was a thin women. Her eyes bright green. Nearly piercing when one looked into them. Her light blonde hair fell in soft curls. If she didn't stumble over her own feet in her drunken state, one could pass her as a normal person that you would see walking down the street.
      She pushed a tiny girl into the room. "You all have a new sister!" She said in a gleeful voice.
     The girl was shaking. Gracelyn covered her mouth. She couldn't be more than four years old. She was the youngest girl Gracelyn had seen here in this home.
     "Mommas gonna have fun with this one!" She said with a giggle. "Daddy's home and he wants to see-" she spun in a circle on her tippy toes. "La la la! You!" She said and pointed her finger at Gracelyn. "He told em this is the last time because unless you can give him a child he doesn't want you around anymore. I've already got a new daddy in mind!" She said in a high pitch squeal.
      Gracelyn swallowed and felt momma's bony hand grab her wrist and pull her to her feet. She dragged her up the stairs and shoved her into a mans lap. "Have fun! Mommas little girl will make you so happy." Momma said and pulled herself into the couch.
     Daddy pulled gravely to her feet and lifted her dress. "Did you miss daddy? Let's see if my little slut can give me a child this time." He sneered and dragged onto his lap. He had removed his pants before she even entered the room.
Gracelyn closed her eyes and let him pleasure himself. He gripped her tightly. His fingernails digging into her skin, drawling blood.
He shook as he and unglued and came inside her. He shoved her off and closed his eyes. "Leave me! Return to your room. Don't clean yourself off. I want you to be reminded of me all night." He snapped.
Gracelyn pulled herself back to the basement and shut the door behind her. The tears fell like they always did every night. She fell against the wall.
The youngest girl looked at her. Tears glistened in her eyes. "I'm scared." She said in a soft voice.
Gracelyn looked at her and reached out her hand. "Come here sweetie. What's your name?"Gracelyn asked and swallowed hard.
The little girl pulled herself into Gracelyn's lap and curled against her collarbones. "I'm Lily. I'm six years old."
She looked so much smaller then six. Gracelyn rested her chin on the little girls head and hummed a soft lullaby. "It'll be okay." She cooed gently. Even though she knew that it wouldn't.

      It's been six weeks. The children were scared. Gracelyn still tried to comfort the twelve year old but she was dead set that Gracelyn was just like momma. Lily had taken a liking to Gracelyn. The beatings became worse as the weeks went on because Gracelyn didn't want the girls to be hurt. So she took the beatings. Daddy became more and more angry because momma refused to buy a test for Gracelyn. Momma never liked Gracelyn. She only stayed because daddy liked his little slut.
      Gracelyn woke up feeling sick and exhausted. Lily laid on her lap sleeping softly. She looked so peaceful. Gracelyn was jealous of her. She could asleep without fear most nights.
     The door flew open. Daddy walked in and grabbed a fist full of Gracelyn's hair. He shoved a pregnancy test in her face. "Take this. I'll wait." He snapped and  stood up.
     "N-now?" Gracelyn asked.
    "Yes now! Don't be stupid!" He snapped.
     Gracelyn stood up and silently took the test. Her cheeks flushed and she waited for the results.
      Daddy looked at his wrist watch and pulled the test from her hands. He looked at the results and threw the test at her. He laughed. "Momma will definitely want to sell you after the little brat is born." He snapped and walked up the stairs, slamming the door so hard behind himself that the walls shook.
    Gracelyn looked at the test. The plus sign sent shivers up her spine.
     The twelve year old looked at her. "Guess you won't be here for much longer." She snapped.
     Gracelyn looked at the stick and felt tears prick her eyes. She placed a hand on her stomach and took a shaky breath. "I'm so sorry baby." She said softly. "None of this was supposed to happen."

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