13. Walls of Steel

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As the clock struck four, GK appeared out of the washroom tying her hair into a high ponytail. Clasping her water bottle, as she was about to go for a sprint, a familiar voice interrupted her.

"Do you mind if I join?"

Plastering a forceful smile across her lips, GK turned around to face Akshat who was exhibiting his biceps in the oddly cut vest he was wearing.

"Will a NO stop you, dear husband?" GK retorted to which Akshat smiled.

"Figures!" GK shrugged as she pulled the cap of the grey hoodie over her head and turning around raced out of the house.

"Isn't it strange how you know the area around here, Guddan? Akshat asked as he reached her and started jogging with her.

GK smiled mirthlessly. She had her guards up since yesterday after the stunt he had pulled, she didn't want him messing with her head, or her heart.

"That is true, roads are but mere directions that brain can easily memorize and legs can get easily habitual to. I did inspect the entire area as soon as I was out of the hospital!"

"You won't relent, will you?!" Akshat smirked humorously.

"You will only believe what suits you, won't you?" GK retorted back in the same tone.
Akshat who had his eyes fixed on Guddan, failed to see the approaching woman and collided into her.

"Are you okay?" He enquired pushing against the woman's arms gently.

"N-No...I..I am f-fine!" The woman stammered bowled over by Akshat.

GK rolled her eyes and taking the matter into her own hands, jerked the woman away from Akshat by pulling on her elbow.

"Seems like the collision got to your head and affected your speech functions! Why don't you visit a doctor?!" GK suggested with a poker face and moved past the woman.

"Jealous much!?" Akshat chuckled catching up to her.

"She wasn't the only one affected! No wonder you're being delusional so early in the morning!" GK huffed.

"I don't mind if delusions are beautiful!"

"Harbouring hopes that will be soon crushed brings forth nothing but misery", And with that GK entered the forest park area.

As they continued their run, quite a few girls checked out Akshat and every one of them was forced to turn away when a blazing pair of browns threatened to rain down a hailstorm of daggers on them.

Soon they paused in the middle of footpath and GK started to do jumping jacks while Akshat opened his bottle and emptied it over his sweaty head.

As he brushed back his wet hairs with his fingers and tiny water drops traced his jawline, he looked every each a model. And he smirked victoriously as he caught Guddan sneaking glances at him every now and then.

"Jerk!" She cursed flustered knowing fully well, that he was doing this on purpose.

But every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

"Kinna gabroo jawan hai!"

Akshat stiffened as his bicep was clasped by unknown hands and he turned around to come face to face with a group of mohalle ki aunties'.

"Ji?!" He enquired trying to swat her hand away but she refused to take the hint.

"Why don't you help us in our exercise?!" She fluttered her lashes at him and Akshat felt like puking.An aunty was flirting with him!!

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