Random Q&A w/Jedi Graves | Colleen

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A/N: Hellooo so uhh the actual next chapter after "Poison" isn't done yet. I'm so sorry it's just that I seriously need to focus on my studies right now. I don't want to repeat Math111 (oh god). College life is hard :( here have an extra chapter I've made a few days back just because I was thinking about it.

"Wow this is so unprofessional." Colleen and Reed laugh as Colleen struggles to hold up her phone, facecam on. "Hey so me and Reed haven't seen each other in a while and we thought we'd do a quick Q&A before heading home. You ready?"

"Yes!" he exclaims as he punches the air. "Okay first question, 'Best thing you've done this week.'"

"We went to the Blood Ransom premiere, that one was awesome."

"Thanks to our special sponsor Nick who got us in."

"Excuse you, I got invites." She waves a hand to his face.

"You did?"

"Ouch. Anywho we met AJ Rafael, Anne Curtis who is actually one of the leads and Kobe Paras."

"He plays for UCLA right?"

"Yeah, he looks gorgeous too."

"So that's why you're trying for UCLA."

"No way! I'm just trying to keep my options open. Okay next question."

"'Are you two dating?'"

They look at each other for a minute. "Yes." They answer at the same time. They try and keep a straight face then just burst out laughing.

"I'm gonna cry."

"Oh my god I know!" Colleen says as she wipes away the tears. "No, we're not."

"We're more of like siblings I think." He says as he puts his arm on her shoulders.

"Yep, purely aromantical. Next quest-ion, 'How did the two of you meet?' School."

"Yeah she just sat beside me and our chairs weren't individual arm chairs, they were the shared ones with the long tables that could fit three. I knew you were digging me back then."

"Wow. I was new okay and your table looked the most decent, plus you were alone so I thought you were new too."

"Actually good point, why didn't I have friends at that moment?"

"Yeah, that's actually weird now that I think about it. You're friends with almost everyone in the batch."

"Meant to be." They laugh.

"It was a good thing I sat with you because Margie sat with us since she was late and we have been the best trio ever since."

"I just remembered something, why didn't you sit with Nick? Didn't the two of you know each other first since you were neighbors?"

"Yeah, except Nick wasn't in our class."

"Stupid." He facepalms himself.

"You're not, your memory's just shaky." She smiles at him, "Well that is it, we'll be heading home before it gets too dark."

"Bye!" they say at the same time.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2014 ⏰

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