The Weird Girl on the Couch

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It was late and everyone in the house was already sleeping. Rekkles made his way to the living room only to find someone on the couch sobbing to Disney Pixar's Up.

"Sorry, was it too loud?" she quickly mutes the TV and wipes away her tears.

"No, not at all. I was just about to get water. Are you...okay?"

"Yeah. Wanna watch with me?" she beams at him.

Rekkles sits down beside Colleen and they proceed to watch the movie. Colleen was eagerly watching the movie, she had a weird obsession with animated movies that maybe some people of her age would not understand. As she watches the movie, Rekkles couldn't help but have so many questions for Colleen in his head. Who was she really, why is she sobbing to Up in the middle of the night? And many more questions brewing inside.

"What?" She looks at him, he didn't realize he's been staring in her direction for a long time, "You want some popcorn?" She offers him the bowl and he gets a handful of popcorn.

"So how long have you and Lauri been friends?"

"About 10 or so years now." His eyes widen, "That long, I know. That was the year we lived in Finland and then we moved again."

"You moved again?"

"Oh that's right, you're new! The thing is almost every year we move to a new place or country, the longest I've been in a country was 5 years in the Philippines. 

"Where are you from originally?"

"Nowhere." she simply says as she eats more popcorn. He just looks at her in confusion. "Well let's see, my parents and basically everyone in our family tree are from Italia." She says in an Italian manner; accent + hand gestures, "Me and Leo were born in Italy but we moved when I was 2 years old. Our parents' jobs requires them to move from country to country, not really require but the company preferred if it was them who moved because they can handle these situations and they were of higher rank but if the family wants to stay we can stay. Even before me and Leo were born our parents were already moving to-and-fro, I think that was when they met and fell in love, they always had the same country assignment and so they got close. And now here I am."

"Here you are."

"I lived here in Germany last last year so we visited the guys almost everyday."

"So everyone knows you except for me?"

"Well there's Alvar but he already kinda knew me because...oh wait no, I won't." She laughs and continues to watch the movie but Rekkles just kept on glancing at Colleen after that and she noticed. "What?" She laughs as she pops some popcorn in her mouth.

"How does Alvar know you?"

"Uhh, are you familiar with Nick Young?"

"No, boyfriend?"

"Pshh no." she laughs, "Nick is a she; we make collabs on youtube, mostly the usuals and sometimes covers, games and Q&As those stuff."

"You're a youtuber?"

"Yep and that's how Alvar knows me."

"Wait...are you...n-NO WAY! YOU'RE PAN ACARDS!"

"Yep, I was surprised you didn't realize earlier."

"Wow, I'm so dumb. Alvar showed me some of your videos some time ago, he's a fan."

"Yep, he made me sign his pan earlier. Wait this scene." And they kept quiet for a moment so she could pay attention to the scene.

"I don't get it," Rekkles quickly interrupted, "Why do they call you Pan?"

"That's a different story that I decided not to tell about." She laughs.

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