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"Okay bye." Colleen hung up the phone with whoever she was talking to and was about to sit back on the living room sofa.

"Cole." Cyanide calls her and she immediately changed direction to go to him and her brother.


"Since you and Leo are just staying here and well not working for us we have to talk about chores."

"You want us to be your maids?" she asks.

"Not really."

"What do you mean not really?" Leo laughs, "Everything you told me earlier screams of us becoming you guys' helpers." The siblings raise their eyebrows at Lauri, Colleen folding her arms over her chest in mock dismay.

"You don't have to do everything, we're still in charge of our rooms, you'll just have to do the groceries and clean..."

"The house." Colleen finishes his sentence. He nods somehow in shame because he has to ask his friends to clean up after them just for them to stay in the house. "Well," She uncrosses her arms , "it's fine with me, it would be unfair if we stay here for like 2 months and we don't work or something."

"WAHT?!" Leo exclaims.

"You just don't want to do it because you don't clean up around the house in the first place." Colleen laughs.

"Lauri doesn't want to clean too that's why he's giving the duty to us." Leo says defensively.

"Man." Lauri laughs while Colleen pats his back.

"I heard aloe is good for burns." she teases her old friend. She missed arguing nonsensical things with him and her brother.

Lauri nods in defeat but a few moments later blurts out, "You guys are lucky Maiju isn't here."

Colleen counters him, "Lauri, you're lucky Maiju's not here." It was true, if Lauri's sister were there she'd join Colleen and Leo in teasing her brother.

"But you'll still take us to your games right?" Leo hits him slightly on the arm, afraid that he might change his mind because of his and (mostly) his sister's bullying.

"Hmm... I don't know, maybe if you were nicer man." Leo pouts because of Lauri's answer, he was really excited in going to Germany and seeing his friends but his main purpose was to watch the EU LCS matches. 

"I swear, I'll clean everyday just please take me to games." Colleen holds back her laughs, her brother was begging like a little kid wanting to go to Disneyland. She grabs her phone and takes a sneaky picture of him, although she did feel sorry for him since this was mostly her fault, she still found it funny that her brother is taking Lauri's threat seriously. Growing up, Lauri loved threatening Leo just for laughs, he never really did do those threats since he was a big sweetheart (except for Leo that is).

"You didn't really have to offer that but since you've already made up your mind...okay-"

"No I didn't mean-"

"A promise is a promise bro." Colleen winks at her brother while mouthing "good luck" at him.

"Cole's right Leo, you'll clean everyday so you can go with us to games." Lauri high five's Colleen while Leo groans at the mess he's put himself into.

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