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"YES!" Colleen walks in the gaming house looking triumphant while she clutches a paper bag in her hand. The smell was enough to make anyone's mouth water. She sits on the kitchen stool and opens the paper bag. She got one of the pastries and started to devour it, she drank her coffee to wash it down. The coffee got cold which was no surprise since she's been gone for more than half an hour, "coffee is coffee." she thought to herself.

"Hello." Cyanide walks in the kitchen and sits next to Colleen at the table, "Mornin'." He smiles at Colleen.

"You seem cheerful today."

"Because you guys are still here." He smiles at her warmly, "AND because I woke up early on the right day...BACON! We usually eat breakfast at noon." he laughs. Colleen raises an eyebrow at her brother.

"Okay fine, you win, you can eat everything now." Leo says as he places the plate of bacon in front of her.

"YAY!" she exclaims and was about to sip some of her coffee but was surprised that when she tried to grab her cup it wasn't there anymore but already on Cyanide's lips, "Leave some for me." She peeps at the inside of the cup to see if there were still some left. "Hey Lauri serious question, if you were my viewer what video would you want to see next?"

Leo sits down at the table, "She's having vlogger's block problems."

"Well..." He puts the cup down as he thinks about it, "I think you haven't done some Q&A's in a while."

"Don't you think it'll be boring? I mean it's me we're talking about." Colleen looks at him while sipping some coffee.

Leo slams the table "Do something Fnatic related!" he exclaimed and it hit Colleen like a brick wall. She got her notebook and a pen, it's been a thing of hers to write her ideas immediately or else she'll completely forget about it. Leo raises his hand up and Colleen gives him a high five.

"Why am I suddenly having a bad feeling about this?"

"Oh you'll be fine, right Cole?"

"Yes, definitely." She smiles quite grimly.

A/N: I'm sorry the titles are food/food related the truth is I have been hungry. Writing at 3 in the morning is hard stuff.

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