Worlds Group Stage2 Day4

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~Earlier that day~

"You know what." Nicole takes a bite of her apple.

Colleen was about to take a spoonful of her mashed potatoes, "What?". It was lunch time and the cafeteria was already filling in with students, Nicole and Colleen, being part of the school's media organization, were always released from their alternative journalism class earlier. They didn't take the journalism class but because of their organization their grades are based on the articles they write for the school paper or for their new re-design on the school website.

"We should watch the last day of groups tonight at my house."

"Hey guys, what's happening?" The quirky red head Margery, one of their friends, came in with her tray of food and sits down across the two of them.

"Margie, you should come with us later to watch the last day of groups!" Colleen taps on her arm.

"So you agree with my plan then?" Nick shakes Cole, she nods in response and Nick hugs her friend.

"I would love to go with you guys and try and understand the game better but I think my parents would be mad about me sleeping in other people's houses without asking for permission at least a week before. You know how strict they are."

"Bummer." Nicole pouts. All of their other friends suddenly pop out from nowhere. The table suddenly feeling a lot cramped than before. Only four sat down after Margery but the cafeteria, having little tables, made them feel cramped.

~That Night~

"They beat Samsung Blue last time right?" Nicole sits down next to Colleen.

"Yeah but the thing is this is Samsung Blue we're talking about, they wouldn't let their last game with Fnatic just go by their heads like that, they have prepared for this in order to not make the same mistakes again."

"Are you prepared for this?"

"Paul already warned me about it, I know it's negative to think like that but it's better to prepare for the worst I guess." They watch the game cheering and shouting. The game ends and Fnatic is officially out of Worlds.

"Good game though." Nick says as cheery as possible. Colleen wasn't affected much on the game, at least not as much as Nick thought she would.

"Better send my regards to them. Should we watch Cloud 9 versus Shield?" Colleen jumps out of the bean bag and looks for her phone in her bag. She chose to not use her phone the whole duration of the game.

"Of course, Hai is there, and your other EU boys' worlds dreams are also hanging on the line here right?"

"I should send something cheesy like, 'You're still number 1 in my heart.' or something." Colleen plops back down on the bean bag.

"Let Momma Mari do that." Nick jokes and they laugh at the same time, they laugh even more when they read Peke's mom's new tweet, she was very supportive. Colleen follows Mari's footsteps and sends motivation and praise to Fnatic for a job well done through twitter.

The Cloud 9 vs Najin White Shield game started and they kept their eyes peeled. They were both somehow friends with Cloud 9 ever since they attended PAX. Cloud 9 grabs the victory which made Colleen and Nick both happy and sad, Cloud 9 are making it out of groups but for Alliance it only meant the end of the line. The girls continued on with their night, watching movies and eventually falling asleep when they put on Godzilla. 

A/N: I'll admit this was kinda rushed but this was supposed to be a filler but I'm still deciding. Also vote if you liked it and leave comments/suggestions on what you'd like to see, maybe I would incorporate it in the story. Don't hesitate to reach me through my social media sites too, they're listed in my bio :)

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