Reunions (Cyanide POV)

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A/N: Hey guys, this is about Colleen and Leo's first day at the Fnatic House, kinda like a flashback. Sorry for the late update, I'm at home for the long weekend and for some reason my laptop won't charge plus we don't have a family computer(but everyone has their own laptop) so I'm dealing with the pain of in-phone writing and slow internet.

There I was at the airport at 7 in the morning. I should be sleeping right now. I lean on the wall to rest for a bit and I fiddle with my phone so I won't look as alone as I felt.

"Lauri!" I hear someone call out my name, I look at where it was coming from and I see a black haired guy waving over at me and he seemed to be walking towards me. I didn't recognize him at first but I could never mistake that lopsided grin for anyone.

"Leo!" I wave at him, he was tugging along two luggages behind him. "Hmm? Where's Cole?" I thought to myself. I meet him half way I give him a brotherly hug and I take one of his luggages.

"Thanks." He said and I just smile in response. Up close I could actually make out his features that helped me distinguish who he was even after several years like his chiseled jaw and a tiny scar on his neck that he got from when we were little.

"You look different." I pat his back.

"Yeah, been trying to grow a beard." He strokes his beard which I must admit looks pretty nice. He also changed his hairstyle to a quiff which wasn't too long so it looked awesome on him.

"Where's Cole?" I ask him finally as we walk to where I was standing earlier.

He looks back and points at a small crowd of people, "There." I look at the crowd trying to find wherever Colleen was, thankfully a couple of girls exited and I could see Colleen in the middle of the crowd, talking to them with her warmest smile on. Colleen Palmira Acardi with her warm smiles and impeccable fashion taste. She had the same color of hair as Leo had except hers was copper brown to medium blonde at the bottom. She was wearing a plain white tee tucked in her short overalls along with her trusty black converse and a short brimmed straw hat with a black ribbon around it with a feather sticking out of it.

It was actually funny seeing her talk to those people, who I think most of them were German, since they were pretty tall. Colleen was somewhere between 5'3 to 5'4 and she was looking up at them like when a child asks her mom for a toy.

She looks at me and smiles and waves. Seeing this scene made me realize how worth it it was to wake up early this day. I continue walking, tugging along the luggage which I deduced was Colleen's judging by the tag on it.

"Lauri! Lauri!" I hear Colleen call me from behind. I turn around and she was practically running towards me, her bouncy hair flowing in the wind. She pats her hat down as she pulls the strap of her backpack closer to her back. "I got this." She takes the handle of her luggage from me. I look at her, she was really growing up now but she will always be the kid in the frankenstein mask. . "What?" She smiles at me, I didn't realize I've been staring at her this entire time.

"I-uhh..." I scratch the back of my head trying to answer her, her presence always made my thoughts scatter for some reason. She smiles at me again and hugs me at my torso. I hug her back and my eyes met her big blue eyes, she was smiling with her eyes so I smile back at her then she buries her face in my chest again.

"I miched phu." She struggles to say, her face was mushed against my body and I laugh at her.

I squeeze her tighter till her feet were off the ground, "Me too." I say and I release her from my embrace.

"HEY YOU TWO, WE ALREADY HAVE A CAB!" Leo exclaims from the passenger seat of the cab.

"Come on, I think Leo's excited to go." She says as she tugs her luggage. We walk towards the cab and I put my arm around her shoulders and squeeze her, she may be growing up but to me she'll always be the kid in the Frankenstein mask. I open the trunk of the cab and I help her load her luggage in. "Nice hat." I flick her hat down to her eyes. She fixes it back in place and rolls her eyes at me.

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