World Finals 2014

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A/N: Kind of like an AU where on the intro for finals Nick and Cole got to perform with Imagine Dragons. Not gonna lie, I've been thinking about making this chapter whether Imagine Dragons was or wasn't going to perform in the finals and now that they did I just got super excited and wrote this down while watching.

"Can we get Colleen here for hair and makeup?" Someone shouts from the dressing room. Nick just finished helping her put on the costume for their performance later on the worlds stage.

"I can't believe we're actually doing this." Nicole drags her friend to the dressing room; she was also wearing her costume. Nicole was supposed to portray Victorious Janna and Colleen, Snowstorm Sivir they almost looked like the champions, all they needed were a few dashes of cosplay magic which comes in the form of makeup.

As people start working on Nicole's and Colleen's faces Colleen can't help but think back on the past week she'd just had. Just a week or so ago she and Nick had been sitting in the weekly general assembly of the school when Imagine Dragons suddenly came out of nowhere and performed in front of the whole school body. They called Colleen and Nick down to the stage and they told them the news, they also explained that Riot had already arranged everything for them; a letter of permission from their families and from the school, their plane tickets, expenses and where they'll be staying in Korea. They had to make a fast decision though because their flight will be in a few hours and they still had to pack their things. The makeup artist puts her hands on Colleen's shoulders which snaps her out of her thoughts, "Good luck. Okay okay, get Cole and Nick backstage!" The makeup artist suddenly shouts and a few of the referees that were usually handling the games came in and escorted them backstage.

"You nervous?" Daniel Reynolds, the band's lead singer, asked Colleen when she stood next to him preparing for their performance.

"Just a little anxious." Colleen wrings her hands.

"You can do this," he shakes Colleen a little which makes her laugh, "there's a reason you two got picked you know."

"Cole! Nick!" Someone shouts from behind them. When the two whirl around they were suddenly tackled by their now purple+blonde+black haired friend. "Good luck out there." And he hugged both of the girls individually. "We'll be watching from the seats. Break a leg!" Hai says as he runs back out to where the audience were.

A few moments later they were on the stage. The three of them, Daniel, Colleen and Nick were wearing cloaks with the hood covering a part of their faces. They first performed "Legends Never Die" by Ferras while some clips of the other teams who didn't make it to the finals were shown behind them. After paying tribute to the other teams and players through that song they turned up the hype with a lively performance of the song "Warriors".

This amped up the crowd as the two teams competing for the cup wave their flags in the air. After their performance they were met by embraces from Enrique (xPeke).

"Nick-Nick, take our picture!" He hands his phone to Nick and she gets it laughing at his expression. He suddenly hugs Colleen, squishing her.

"Here you go." Nick hands him his phone. He checks it and gives her a thumbs up. Peke posts his picture with Colleen with the caption, "With little Sivir :D."

"Cole take our picture!" He says right after posting. And he just casually puts his arms around Nick's shoulders.

Colleen hands him his phone, "No fair, why didn't she get squished?"

"He can't have someone more gorgeous than him in one picture." Nick jokes making Enrique pout at her.

"He'll add a weird caption to your photo now." Colleen teases Nick and they try to peer at his phone but he was too tall for them they stopped trying.

Nick manages to swipe his phone from him and she reads what he's inputed, "The wonderful @NickevieveYoung as Victorious Janna. Wow, I thought you'd say something like 'Not looking so Victorious' or something like that."

"Yeah well I'm not as mean as you."

"Shady." Colleen laughs as the two bicker away.

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