"Jimin," I placed my hands on his chest, pushing him back just enough to meet his curious eyes. "Thank you for not giving up."

"Don't thank me. I thought I was doing the right thing by being harsh and not getting our hopes up, but then I saw how devastated you were. I can't let you fight for this - for us - on your own, even if I fear losing the battle," he paused, frowning a little.

"What's wrong?" I gently asked.

He shook his head. "I know you don't want me to think that this might end badly, but I can't just get rid of that thought. I'm still going to do what I can to find a solution for us, but it's still a possibility in my head. And since I can't help but worry that we may only have a few days left together..." he trailed off, seeming too embarrassed to continue.

"What is it?" I frowned, lacing my hands around the back of his neck.

"I want to have the rest of my life to spend with you, but if we don't end up that lucky... I just don't want to regret not showing you how much I loved you while I still had the chance," he mumbled, eyes ablaze with passion.

I struggled to find my voice as my cheeks reddened, "Jimin, you've already shown me-"

I was cut off as he kissed me again, more intensely than before. A small moan of surprise left me as his tongue glided over my bottom lip, then he brought my mouth open with his. I kissed him back passionately, wanting to communicate how deeply I returned his feelings.

I still hadn't said those three words back to him. I knew it must've been because I was afraid to admit how strongly I felt in case something went wrong and we couldn't end up together. Like maybe if I never said it out loud, somehow it would be easier if a time came when I would have to let him go. But he deserved to know exactly how I felt, and I hoped I would be able to tell him in the near future. Until then, I wanted to focus on enjoying my time with him as much as possible.

I let myself get lost in his touch, welcoming the temporary, blissful escape from the unknown future that hung over us like a black cloud.

We spent the entire morning in bed, but eventually, I was finally able to convince Jimin to stop holding me so that we could go out and help the others try to figure out a solution.

Jimin chose to talk to Namjoon while I split off to find Dawon. She was in the cargo hold with Yoongi when I found her, the two of them discussing something that they instantly shut up about when I dropped down from the ladder.

I turned around and eyed them suspiciously, "Morning."

Yoongi chuckled, "It's already past noon, Kat."


"Did you need something?" Dawon questioned, sending me a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes.

"Yeah, actually. I was hoping I could talk to you about a few things," I stated, watching her glance at Yoongi meaningfully.

Why are they acting so strange?

"Okay, sure," she agreed. The two of us waited for Yoongi to leave the room before I began asking her questions.

"Is there anything at all that you can think of that would help us? You were a siren for a long time, did you ever see or hear about any way that the curse could be broken completely?" I asked hopefully, moving to sit on top of a barrel.

Dawon leaned against a wooden post before shaking her head. "No. When you become a siren you don't get a set of rules or guidelines. You have certain instincts that tell you how to try to save yourself, but that's it. All I've ever seen is how the curse requires someone new to switch over to..." she paused, frowning a little, "Except for me and Yoongi. I still have no idea why he didn't become a siren."

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