[ 1.01 ] - Resolve

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[ 1.01 ]


Year 4

I remember the first time I realized that I had become the villainess from the ever popular novel, The Ice King's Dove. I was filled with neither dread nor excitement. Instead, I just felt indifferent, after all, what's the novel got to do with me? I have choices, no?

I had long decided that I will not become like the Ryenne from the novel who roamed about, causing trouble to students everywhere she went. She had a mouth that could only speak lies and a rotten personality, making everyone around her dislike her, even her own family at times. Of course, her ending was one that had a means of no return—being publicly disowned by her own family. A scary experience that is, especially for a girl who only knew the life of riches and not rags. If it just so happens that I achieve her dreaded ending, I will welcome it with open arms, but this is only if such a situation were to happen. I would decide to live a humble life.

Anyhow, I will dictate what I will do with my life and how I go about it. Because of this resolve of mine, I decided that I shall live with my widowed grandmother out in the secluded countryside where there is no sight of any tycoon other than the portrait of my late grandfather. This way, I will not have to run into the main characters in the novel and I can enjoy my hobbies of baking and gardening to my delight.

And so, here I stood in front of the gates of my grandmother's traditional minka mansion with three large suitcases surrounding me.

"Rynnie, are you sure you want to live here?"

I looked up to my mother who had her dark brows scrunched together and large, silver eyes filled with doubt and concern.

"Yes, Mommy, I'll be fine. I want to live with Grandma from now on so she won't be lonely!" I tell her excitedly, making sure to muster up my biggest, most cute smile without looking awkward or twitching. Seeing my enthusiasm, my father chuckled and ruffled the crown of my head with a gentle touch.

"Ophelia, you needn't worry so much. It's good that our little Rynnie is making decisions for herself. In a few days, she'll probably want to come back home, so let her play here to her heart's content, okay?"

Contrary to my father's belief, I plan to stay here for my whole life, but I do not speak my thoughts. Instead, I smiled innocently as my mother reluctantly agreed.

"I suppose it should be alright...Rynnie is quite mature for her age, isn't she? I hope Mother won't find it too bothersome."

"Don't worry, Mommy! I'll be a good girl for Grandma!" With a toothy smile, I skipped over to my mother and father and gave them a hug and a kiss on their cheek before bidding them "goodbye". After that, I pulled my suitcases into the courtyard of my grandmother's residence where she stood with a stoic expression on her face across the yard.

Unconsciously, I swallowed my saliva and just stared back at her. She was intimidating like an old general who was getting ready for battle. Such a woman is certainly not normal.


I blinked at her. "Yes, Grandma?"

"Come, I will show you to your room." Immediately, she starts walking down the halls. As it is easy to get lost in such a large estate, I make haste to follow her. I struggle to keep up with her fast pace but, I notice her slow down just enough so that I didn't have to run with my short legs. Seeing this, I couldn't help but think that she was the female version of all of those old, traditional grandfathers in those novels I have previously read. How fascinating.

After a minute's walk, we finally reach my room. Sliding the door open, I was greeted with the wide, spacious room that only housed a large, king sized bed, a desk, and a bookshelf. With another sliding door connected to the room on the right side of the room, I assumed it to be my closet. The doors on the far back surely led to my own personal yard. I will definitely use it well!

"Ryenne, this will be your room." My grandmother tells me without much emotion to her face or voice. Even so, I was still ecstatic.

I hugged her legs with excitement as I smiled up at her, "Mm! Thank you, Grandma!"

I could feel her tense at the sudden contact, but after a moment of staying like this, she gently touched the top of my head and hummed. I let out a giggle before skipping into the room, pulling my luggage along as I explored the corners and crevices of my new room.

It was perfect.

Nothing could change my resolve now.

1 March x022

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Ryenne: (ree • enn)


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