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"Dude, what the heck?" Sungyoung said, still chewing on her food.

"Really? Right in front of my noodles?" Harin, who was about to lift her spoon, glared.

"Yes, really." Jinsung nodded. "JACKSON ASKED ME IF I WANTED TO DATE HIM AGAIN!!!"

We were having a nice, peaceful breakfast when Jinsung's phone chimed. We thought it was her mom. But with the luck we're having, it wasn't. It was Jackson, Jinsung's ex.

"What should I say?" Jinsung asked.

"SAY NO!!" We all said in unison.

"EVERYBODY SAY NO~" Jinsung sang. "Anyway, I will. I just don't feel like we're destined for each other. And besides, after what he did to me-" Jinsung shook her head. She typed in, 'Sorry, no. Not after what you did, but we can still be friends. :))' and hit 'Send'.

"Now that that's done, let's continue eating. Then you guys can go home." I suggested.

"Sure" the others agreed.


"Why am I here again?" I deadpanned.

You see, we're in the mall right now. After they all went home, Hara called us and pleaded us to come with her. All she said was that we were gonna go somewhere. I never knew it was gonna be the mall. If it was Starbucks, then I'm good. But the mall? Nope! No way in hell.

"Ask Hara over here." Harin rolled her eyes at the girl.

"I just wanna cuddle with my bed." Sungyoung groaned.

"I wanna read fanfics!" Seonghyun whined.

"Hush, peasants! There's plenty of time for that. We're here to find Y/N's soulmate. I need my five bucks." Hara explained, ignoring the two's grumbling.

"And because you want to buy some new clothes?" Sooyeon said, a smirk slowly making its way to her face.

"M-Mayb- WELL THAT'S NOT THE POINT OK?!" Hara exclaimed, embarrassed. She was as red as a tomato.

"Ooooohhhh~~ Shopping?" Jinsung's eyes lit up. "I'M DOWN! Except... I'm broke."

"Can we go to that arcade?" Sooyeon blurted out, pointing at the arcade a lot farther from where we were.

"CAN WE??" Seonghyun asked, excitement washing over her voice.

"Sure!" Jinsung beamed.

Before we could even agree, the three already ran off to the other side of the mall. We literally had no choice but to follow.

"I wanna go buy art supplies..." Harin mumbled.


"Haha, noobs!" Jinsung shouted in victory as she won for the sixth time.

"I give up." Seonghyun sighed.

"I just want sleep." Sungyoung whined.

"And I just want food." I said.

"Now that's what I'm talking about!" Sooyeon agreed.

"Well you guys eat, I'm gonna go to the art store. 'Cause, yeah." Harin told us.

"You're not gonna eat?" Hara asked, worried.

"Yeah, I'm still full. Besides, I'm on a diet." Harin explained.

"Well, don't starve yourself too much."


"Can I go with you? I'm not that hungry." Jinsung asked.


"Bye!" bidded Jinsung and Harin.

"Now that that's over, let's eat!" I said.


"Man, I'm full." I sighed, contented.

"Me too." Hara agreed.

"I VOTE FOR Y/N TO PUT AWAY THE TRAY!" Sooyeon shouted, throwing her hand into the air.

"Me too." Seonghyun said, putting her hand up.

"Me three!" Hara agreed, also lifting her hand up.

"I guess.. Me four?" Sungyoung, very much hesitantly, put her hand up.

"What are you waiting for? Chop-chop." Sooyeon clapped.

"Ughhh okkkkk.." I groaned. "You guys are gonna help me clean this right?" I pointed, at our table which was kinda full of trash.

"Of course!"

After a few minutes, our table was finally clean. I got the tray, which was full of garbage, and poured the contents into the trash bin. After that, I put the tray into the used tray pile.

As I was on my way to go back to our table, I bumped into someone, I stumbled a bit. Good thing I caught myself before I landed on my butt. It was a man around my age. He wore a black mask, so I really couldn't see his face. Except for his dark eyes. He also wore a cap and I can kinda see his light brown hair. He wore a white shirt with a black jacket and black pants with black shoes. Wow, this man is into black. Did he come back from a funeral or something?

"Sorry." I muttered.

"It's okay." Said the man. His voice is kinda deep- ok. Now's not the time, Y/N.

I went back to our table. But before I got there, I felt a weird tug on my pinkie. Thinking it's just some kid that mistook me for their mom, I ignored it.

"Look at this new acrylic paint that I bought. I'm so excited to paint when I get home- oh hi Y/N." Harin waved when she saw me on my way to the others.

"Hi." I waved back. "I see that you're back from the art store."

"Yeah! There was so much art supplies I couldn't pick which one to buy. I wish I can buy all of them." Harin sadly said.

"That's okay! Are y'all ready to go home?" I asked.

Everybody agreed, and surpringly, Hara did too. There was this weird satisfied vibe radiating off of her.


SORRY EVERYONE!! I HAD SO MANY PROJECTS AND HOMEWORK FOR THE LAST FEW DAYS. Thank you so much for being patient with us. I hope you guys like this chapter. Bye~


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