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Lola sat in the kitchen. She felt numb as she thought of cal and how he was gone, he had been killed and he was gone. He was her best friend and he was gone. Lola wiped the tears from her eyes and smiled as Amelia walked in and smiled as she looked to her sister "are you okay?" Amelia asked as Lola shrugged "I don't know, I'm still in shock. I mean he is cal and we all know what cal is like. I just can't believe that he is dead" Lola said as Amelia walked over to her and hugged her "I know, I know it's all a shock but cal wouldn't want this. He wouldn't want you to be upset, he would want you to be happy" Amelia said as Lola smiled as she looked to her "I know, I'm just going to miss him so much" Lola said as Amelia looked to her and smiled

Lola nodded as she stood up and placed a hand on her bump and smiled as Amelia looked to her "have you sorted things with Sam, I mean you are having his baby after all" Amelia said as Lola looked to her and smiled "I know, I know that I do but I don't trust him. He broke my heart and cheated on me with Alicia of all people and the last thing I want to do is forgive him and open my heart up to him for him to hurt me to hurt this baby" lola said as Amelia looked to her and smiled "it's going to be okay and whether or not you forgive him he is going to be involved with this baby, you need to work out what you want to do when it comes to him" Amelia said as Lola looked to her and nodded. She knew he was right


Lola got to work and stood in the staffroom to herself as Sam walked in. He looked to her and smiled "we need to talk" he said as she looked to him and rolled her eyes at him "I have nothing to say to you" she said as he sighed. He walked over to her and smiled as "I want you back lola, I love you I want you back for me and pod baby" "Sam...I can't" she said as he walked over to her and took a hold of her hand and smiled "you can, I want you back and I will do anything i can to get you back" he said as he walked off as Lola Sighed to herself feeling more confused then ever asking herself if she could trust Sam again?


Connie looked as Sam walked into the office and rolled her eyes at him "you wanted to see me" Sam said as Connie nodded "I wanted to see you and I wanted to tell you to stay away from Lola, your messing with her head and she doesn't need it" Connie said as Sam looked to her. But would sam listen or would he hurt Lola again?

Forbidden passion (Casualty)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora