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Lola sighed to herself as she walked back into the house. She sighed to herself and ran a hand through her hair. She had spent the night with Sam again and didn’t want to be caught by Connie. Connie walked out of the kitchen and looked to Lola who jumped "jeez mum, are you trying to scare the hell out of me" Lola said as Connie looked to her and crossed her arms over her chest and glared to Lola "where were you?" Connie asked as Lola sighed "i didn’t know I was fifteen again" Lola said as she walked into the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water and turned to see that Connie was looking at her and sighed "I want to know where you were Lola, I have enough to worry about with grace, never mind with you" Connie said as Lola turned to face him and smiled.

"I am fine mum, I crashed at a friend's that all. I am a grown up and you don’t need to worry about me, worry about grace, she's the one that needs you" Lola said as Connie looked to her and nodded. She walked to the door and turned to face Lola and smiled "no matter how old that you get, I will always worry about you" Connie said as Lola looked to her and smiled.


Lola got to the hospital and smiled as grace stood from the car "things, will be okay grace I know that it doesn’t seem like it now, but they will I promise" Lola said as grace looked to her and smiled as Lola pulled her into a hug. She looked across the car park and frowned as she spotted Sam who was sitting in his car, she saw how off that he was and looked to grace "you go with mum, I'll see you in a bit" Lola said as Grace nodded. Lola watched them walk off before she walked over to Sam's car and climbed in next to him. He looked to her and smiled as she took a seat next to him. He looked to her and smirked "so, coming back for more?" He asked as she looked to him and rolled her eyes as she looked to him "what's going on with us?" She asked as he looked to her and sighed "I know what you're thinking Lola, the answer is no, I am not using you, I like you, I like you so much that I think I'm falling in love with you" Sam said as she looked to him and smiled before she placed a hand on his cheek and leant in and kissed him.

Later that day, Lola walked down the hall of the ED and frowned as she saw Sam and Connie who were arguing over grace. She looked to them and sighed to herself. She watched as Connie walked off and over to where Lola was "are you okay?" Lola asked as Connie sighed and looked to her and smiled "I have no idea what I ever saw in that impossible man" Connie said as Lola and Sam exchanged a look. Lola smirked to herself before she looked to Connie and smiled "you know Sam mum, he's complicated" Lola said as she walked off down the hall.


After her shift, Lola walked out of the ED and climbed into Sam's car. He looked to her and smirked "drive, we need to talk" she said as he frowned and looked to her "okay?" He said as he drove off and across town and into a car park. He looked to her and sighed "what's going on lo?" He asked as she turned to face him and smiled "i don’t want this, I don’t want to hide anymore" she said as he looked to her and smiled "it will be okay" he said as he placed a hand on her cheek and kissed her. She kissed him back and deepened the kiss as she straddled him. She moaned into the kiss as his hands went to the waist band of her jeans. She looked to him and smirked as she felt how turned on he was. He smirked to her as she unbuckled his belt and he pulled her to him and moaned as she climbed on top of him and started to move her hips against his.

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