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Things with Sam and Lola were hard. Sam had barely spent anytime with Aubree. He was too busy working.

Lola was sick of trying to make an effort with him. It wasn't fair on Aubree. It was hard for her to be a mum when she felt alone.

Although she and Sam hadn't split up, she felt like she was a single mum. She knew that things weren't how they used to be.

Lola knew she missed how she and Sam used to be. Part of her felt as though he didn't want Aubree.

She knew she loved her daughter. Aubree was the best part of her life. She woke up to her each morning. It wasn't going to be easy. She just had to somehow make it all work.

She was still staying with Amelia who was more than happy to have them both there. But Lola felt like she would need her own place soon enough.

Lola had to admit that it was nice having someone help her with Aubree. But she wished she had Sam there to help her.

All she knew was that things had been ever so hard for her. And she just didn't know how to cope with it.

Morning came and she frowned as she saw Aubree wasn't in bed. She grabbed her pyjama bottoms from off the floor and left the bedroom.

She saw Amelia sitting with Aubree. She smiled. "Is everything okay?" Lola asked.

"Yeah. I came to wake you for coffee. But she was wide awake. Fed her and then we had cuddles," Amelia said as she looked to her.

Lola smiled. She saw Aubree looking around with interest. "I hate how things have turned out. I mean... I had Sam. And we were having a baby together. And now I've got Aubree. Sam doesn't want to know. And it's just a huge mess."

Amelia smiled as she looked to her. "I get you. You and Sam have been through a lot together. And I know it's not easy at all. But you have to try and make it work. Not for you two. For Aubree," she said.

"I know. And I want us to. But it's not okay. And Aubree is my little girl. I want the best for her," Lola said.

Lola went into work. She took Aubree to the crèche and smiled as she got her settled. She left the crèche and saw Sam. "You didn't come over. From now on, if you want to see her. You have to schedule it. I'm not going to have her unsettled."

Sam looked to her. "I'm sorry if I have a job. Do you realise that I am the medical director. I am in charge of a whole hospital."

"And your daughter should come first."

"She does. But I have Grace too. Or did you forget about her?"

Lola sighed as she saw Connie. Connie walked over to her. "What's going on with Sam? He's in a bad mood."

Lola shook her head and sighed. "Stay out of it. Please."

Connie frowned. She looked to see Lola as she walked off. But she had no idea how Lola was about to find herself struggling so much with her mental health.

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