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Lola smirked to herself as she woke up in bed next to sam. She turned to face him and smirked as he placed a hand on her cheek and smiled

"what are you thinking over" Sam asked as Lola smirked

"us and how much I want it to work and how much this means to me and how I do think that we can actually do it" Lola said as sam smiled

"oh I do think that we can do it, I know that things weren't easy but I do think that we can do this. We just have to agree that we aren't going to let anymore come between us" sam said as Lola smiled

"oh I can promise that, don't you worry" Lola said as sam pulled her close

he kissed her passionately as he rolled over so that he was on top of her, he ran his hands up her thighs and pulled her close. Lola moaned as he pushed into her, he started to move in and out cheek er as she wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled his close.

Lola felt herself reach her high as he followed her and smirked

"we are going to be okay, I promise you" sam said as Lola looked to him and smiled

Lola got to work and smiled as she saw Amelia, she walked over to her sister and smiled

"Hey how's things with Iain" Lola asked as Amelia smiled

"It's oaky, there's a complicated with the pregnancy though but it should be okay" Amelia said as Lola smiled

"how are things with you and sam" "there's good, we are going to try again" Lola said as Amelia looked to her sister and smiled

"I'm happy got you but you do need to tell mum before she finds out some other way. You know mum and you know how protective that she is and the last thing that you want or need to do is to keep things from her" Amelia said as Lola looked to her and smiled. Amelia knew that Lola was right and the last thing that she needed or wanted was anymore drama and she had to admit what was to lie to her mum again

"and be careful, we all know how sam hurt you last time and I'd hate for hate for him to do it to you again" Amelia said as Lola looked to her and smiled.

Lola knew just how terrified that she was that sam would hurt her again

Lola smiled as she walked over to sam as he stood reception

"hey" she said as he smiled

"how are my girls" he asked as he placed a hand on her bump as Lola looked to him and smiled

"we are good, I'm tried but this one isn't she's been kicking away like there is no tomorrow" Lola said as cal smiled

"she's going to be a footballer. I know how things are with us, I know that things are hard and that they are tense but I am here and I love you and I swear we can do this, we can make it work. No one is going to come between us I promise" sam said as Lola smiled.

But could he keep that promise?

Forbidden passion (Casualty)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz