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Lola sighed to herself as she walked back into the house in the early hours of the morning. Lola ran a hand through her hair as she closed the door and stood against it and rested her head. Lola knew that Connie would be with grace at the hospital and was glad. Lola was glad the last thing that she wanted was having to explain to her mother where she was. Lola knew that even if she was spending a lot of her time with Sam and in his bed, she couldn’t tell Connie. She knew that Connie wouldn’t understand and she knew that it would all blow up if she knew the truth and it was the last thing that Lola wanted. Lola walked into the kitchen and grabbed herself a glass of water and took a sip as she placed her back on the bench.

"where have you been?" Lola heard Connie say. Lola turned and saw that Connie was standing there with her arms crossed over her chest and she sighed. "I thought that you were with grace?" Lola asked as Connie looked to her and walked over to her "where have you been?" Connie asked as Lola looked to her and sighed "I had a night out, with a few old friends that's all" Lola said as Connie looked to her and frowned. She wasn’t so sure and she knew that Lola was hiding something and was going to find out just what.


Lola got to work and sipped on her coffee as she walked into the staffroom. She looked to see Sam who was looking at her and smirking. She rolled her eyes and sighed as she walked into the staffroom, where she saw cal. He looked to her and smirked "well, don’t you look so cheery" Cal said as she looked to him and glared "I'm tired" she said as he smirked and walked over to her "so, what is his name?" Cal asked as Lola looked to him "I don’t know what you mean" she said as he smirked "whoever he is, he is a lucky guy to have him in his bed" Cal said as Lola rolled her eyes as he took a step so that he was closer to her.
"who knows, if I'm lucky it might be me" Cal said as Lola rolled her eyes at him "stop it Cal" she said as she shook her head and chuckled at him as he smirked as Sam walked in and looked to the both of them "what's going on?" He asked as Lola looked to him and rolled her eyes "nothing, that concerns you" Lola said as she walked out of the room.


Lola walked down the hall and sighed to herself as she saw Sam. He smirked and walked over to her "what? Are you like stalking me?" She asked as he chuckled "come on Lola, you know that you want me as much as I want you" he said as she rolled her eyes "oh please, it was sex Sam. I think that you understand that. Besides it's not like you’re the first guy that I have spent the night with" she said as she went to walk off and he grabbed her arm and pulled her to him and walked into the storage room and closed the door "let me go Sam, or I swear to god" Lola said as she ran her hands through her hair "no, I won't" he said as he pushed her against the wall and looked to her and smirked as he pulled her to him and leant in and kissed her.

She kissed him back and ran her hands through his hair as she pulled him closer as the kissed got more passionate. He pulled away and looked to her and smirked "I knew you wanted me" he said as she rolled her eyes "shut up will you" Lola said as he smirked to her and leant in and kissed her.

Forbidden passion (Casualty)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora