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Lola sighed to herself as she sat in the kitchen. She rested a hand on her small bump and sighed as she took a sip of her water and sighed as Amelia walked in. Amelia looked to Lola and smiled. She could see that Lola was off. Amelia sat next to her and smiled "you look rotten, are you okay" she asked as Lola sighed "I really don't know if I can do this. It's all a mess and I don't know what. I don't know if I can do this alone especially now Sam and I aren't together" she said as Amelia looked to her and smiled "talk to him lo, it's obvious that your still in love with him and he is the father of your baby. It's going to be okay. You just need to talk to me" Amelia said as Lola looked to her and sighed. She didn't know what to say or do "I just don't know" Lola said as Amelia looked to her and smiled

"I'm pregnant too" Amelia said as Lola looked to her in shock and frowned "what, who's is it" Lola asked as Amelia looked to her and sighed "Ian's, we had a one night stand. We got drunk and it happened and now I'm pregnant" Amelia said as Lola looked to her and smiled as she rested a hand on top of hers and smiled "it's going to be okay, I'm here for you and mum will be too, your going to be a great mum" Lola said as Amelia looked to her and smiled "so are you" Amelia said as Lola looked to her phone and sighed as she looked to see a text off of Sam and sighed. She didn't know what to do and she didn't know how to face Sam after everything that had happened.


Sam stood in the ED and sighed as he stood watching Lola as Connie walked over and looked to him and rolled her eyes "she doesn't want you back, you know that right. Your not good enough for my little girl and you never have been. So why don't you stay away from her" Connie said as she walked as Sam stood her and glare and sighed as he walked over to Lola and grabbed her arm "we need to talk" he said as he pulled her into the staffroom. She pulled away from him and glared "get off of me" "we need to talk over the baby" he said as she looked to him and sighed "I have nothing to say to you" she spat "your having my baby" "and your a pig who couldn't keep it in his pants" Lola spat as she walked off as he grabbed her arm and pulled her close and kissed her. She pushed him away and slapped him before she stormed off.


Lola walked out of the ED and sighed as she asked into the pouring rain. She ran her hands through her hair feeling frustrated as she walked towards the car park. She looked to her phone and sighed before she turned around and paled as she saw cal lying there "cal" she said as she ran over to him and frowned to see the blood. He had been stabbed and Lola did t know how to save him or if he would be okay again

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