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Lola answered the door to the house and smiled as she saw sam "I got your message you said that you wanted to talk" Sam said as Lola smiled

"I do, I did. I know that things are hard right now b it despite all that is going on I am still pregnant with your baby and we need to try and make it work" Lola said as sam nodded, he placed a hand on top of hers and smiled

"I know it's hard but I want to try. I want us to try again. I love you Lola I know I messed up and I hurt you but I want to do what's best and I want to be a better man. I know I broke your heart and I'm sorry. I never meant to do that" he said as she looked to him and smiled. "I know that you are sorry I do and I would love nothing but to take you back and say sod it. Let's try again but I can't sam as I don't trust you. I don't trust you not to hurt me again or let me down" Lola said.

"I get it, I get that I need to show you that you can trust me and I promise you I am going to do all I can so that I can earn your trust I promise" Sam said as Lola looked to him and sighed, she only hoped that it would be that easy

Lola got to work and stood in the staffroom and smiled as she saw Amelia who looked to her and frowned

"are you okay" Lola asked as Amelia looked to her and sighed

"I don't know, things are just a mess that's all and I don't know what to think you know. Sam said he was going to do whatever it took so that I can trust him again, he wants me back. He wants to be a family with me having this baby and everything and I just don't know, I don't know if I can trust him ever again after whatever did to me, you know" Lola said as Amelia smiled.

"I get it. I get that he hurt you and yuk want to try but you can't be scared forever. He made a mistake and he had tried to prove to you that's all it was. He's trying to be a better dad and he is trying to show you that despite it all that you can in fact trust him, maybe give him one last chance and see how it goes. You never know it could be the real thing or you could see that he hasn't changed, I mean it's your life and it's up to you at the end of the day" Amelia said as Lola looked to her and sighed knowing that she was right

Lola got to sams flat. He answered the door and looked to her and smiled

"hey is everything okay" he asked as she looked to him and nodded

"I wanted to talk to you" Lola said "of course come inside" he said as she smiled. He placed a hand on her cheek and smiled

"we have been through so much and I want to do this, I want for us to work but we have the baby to think about so we have to take it slow and for now my mother can't know" Lola said as sam pulled her close and kissed her but could they make it work?

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