Chapter 24 - Pirate Attack

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Hongjoong stood on the rock wall hovering over you two. The same smirk was on his face from the first time you met him. Only this time, 3 more guys came up behind him.

The first had black hair, a black leather coat with a belt, white pants, and black boots. The second had green hair, feminine features, a black long sleeve shirt with a black and white striped coat, and light brown and black ombre pants with black boots. The last one had blue hair in a headband, small eyes, a leather jacket, a gray shirt, white pants, and more black boots.

They all didn’t look happy, making you nervous fears become real. 

“Your little freak out when you found my note last night was amusing to watch.” Hongjoong states as he stepped down off the rock wall and slowly started to walk towards you. The other 3 followed suit.

Jungkook's grip tightened on you. “Stay away, Hongjoong!” 

He only laughed at Jungkook’s threat. He reached for his sword, the others doing the same.

“You don’t scare us.”

They charged at the both of you. You felt your heart sink. Jungkook was quick to get you both in the water. He tried to get farther out but was suddenly stopped. He looked down in panic as his tail had gotten caught on something.

You saw Hongjoong’s smirk widen as his feet hit the water coming at you. Jungkook still panicked. You closed your eyes and squeezed Jungkook as you waited for sudden impact.

Before you could think, both of you were being pushed through the water in a direction you assumed was away from Hongjoong and his gang. You both came to a stop in a matter of seconds.

You slowly opened your eyes. You eyes widen for you to see you were far away from shore. Not necessarily miles, but far enough away to where you could barely make out Hongjoong’s angered face. 

You looked back at Jungkook who was just as surprised as you were.

“Are you ok?” He asked.

“Yeah, but what was that?”

Your question was short-lived as another mermaid broke the surface in front of you both. 

Plenty of Fish in the Sea | BTS x Reader Mermaid AU ✓Where stories live. Discover now