✔Chapter fucking ten: What the fuck, All Might

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You ran down the near empty sidewalk with one destination in mind: the beach. Hopefully the little shits were still there, since you really didn't want to have to figure out his name and track him down. Not that it would be particularly hard, but you didn't have enough patience to deal with that. The ground became sandier, the trash and filth littering the ground closer to the ocean. You slowed down when you heard a few encouraging yells, then groans of a very tired boy. Your lungs convulsed when you stopped at the top of the stairs, heart pounding and legs aching.

It was almost ten at night, but they were still going strong. The green haired boy was pulling a fridge with All Might on top, drag marks across the sand. He looked like he was going to pass out, the greenette, so you hopped down the stairs two steps at a time and made a grand entrance. You exposed the few pastries you had, which Avery had so gracefully sold to you, a wild grin spreading on your face. Your eyes glistened and you called out to the broccoli looking boy, his head snapping up and forest hues meeting your (E/C). He dropped the rope attached to the fridge and nearly ran to you, exhaustion seeping from his pores as he reached for one of the treats you held.

"Sugar isn't very good for you, young Midoryia. Especially now that you're training to be a hero!" The greenette, now dubbed Midoryia, hastily took one of the sugary sweets from you, taking a bite and letting it melt in his mouth. It was evident he hadn't eaten dinner yet, so you let him devour whatever he wanted. And being the prepared person you were, you handed him one of the water bottles you managed to snag from the main building. His eyes glittered brightly, food shoved in his mouth and hands reaching for the liquid. You let him have it, he looked like he needed it

"Neither is staying in your hero form, since the more you use it the less time you have, but here we are." Midoryia stated between chewing, and, as if to prove Midoryia's point, smoke formed around the large man and he coughed a bit of blood. He put a hand over his mouth and turned away, nearly skeletal in how he looked. You rolled your eyes and peered back at Midoryia, the water and pastry gone from his hands. His viridescent hues stared at the rest of the food in your hands, mouth watering at the sugary delights. 

"Midoryia, I need you and your friend's address. Kacchan's what you called them, right?" You didn't have time for these games.

"W-what? Why?!" He looked mildly startled by your request, which was reasonable, but you didn't have the time for this. It's not like you were going to try and kill the kid, just take some shit he shouldn't have. This Kacchan kid apparently had news castings saved and papers on the crash. You had no idea why, or if he was some fucking creep, but you were going to figure it the fuck out. If this kid lived with his parents you would just say you knew the kid and take whatever he had. Not the best grand entrance, but it would do once you got his living quarters. "Oh, hey, uhm. I wasn't going to ask, but are those new?"

Midoryia tilted his head to the side and pointed to your arms, bandages wrapped to your knuckles. You blinked and crossed your arms, laughing awkwardly at his accusatory stare. He grabbed at your arm and lightly touched it, jumping back and apologizing profusely for violating your personal space. His eyes watered and he rambled on about how bad of a first impression this was, and how you would most defiantly hate him and not bring him food. Not that you were just there to bring him food! No, no, of course not. He hung his head in defeat and looked up at you with glittering forest eyes, apologetic and brimmed with tears that shouldn't have been there.

It clicked.

The loud fucking blonde who was a dick and the cowardly greenette who stupidly tried to be a human shield for you. How could you forget? You beat the crap out if his bully, and disappeared shortly after. He and the blonde recognized you on the news and kept the information. For whatever reason, you had no clue, but to each their own. You were still going to find the kid, however, and snoop through whatever he had. Maybe you could find out what you didn't know, like where your mother went or why Endeavour was so quick and willing to take you in instead of letting you be shoved into foster care.

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