✔ Chapter fucking eighteen: in the softness of morning

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"I don't know where Shoto and I are staying... Fuck, man, I didn't think this through. I mean, Avery offered, but I don't want to bother her. Her space doesn't look big enough for two more people." You sighed as you walked next to Bakugou, who didn't seem too interested in your talking. He looked forward with furrowed brows and a frown, literally just glaring ahead at nothing. Had been doing that the whole walk. Not even responding to your questions! What a loser.

"Do you want something to eat? It'll be a bit longer before we get to the bakery, and you hadn't eaten while we were there. We can stop by a stand if there's any open or get something from a convenience store?" You stared at him, just wanting a 'yes' or 'no,' but instead he just shrugged. He didn't even look at you! You rubbed your eyes and looked to the side. The road was empty and dark, only a few streetlamps littering the sidewalk. Walking felt like it took forever. Usually, you and Shoto would be doing dumb shit and it would feel so quick, but it was quiet. 

"I needed this."


"I needed to get out of the house." Bakugou's voice was softer, still grumbly, but soft. He wasn't scrunching his face and you took in just how good he looked. Not that you were attracted to him, he was just an attractive looking guy! You smiled. "School's been over for a while now, and I've been stuck at the house. I would take the long way and wouldn't get there 'til dinner. Can't do that now."

"Ah. I understand. Maybe I could help you get out of the house more? We could go on walks like this, or try new restaurants, or birdwatching, cloud gazing, oh! We could even go to the library!" 

Bakugou scoffed and looked almost offended. "I'm not looking for help. I doubt we'd see each other after this. Ever. Forget I said anything." He walked ahead and didn't say anything the rest of the walk. You didn't push for him to, he was just being an asshole. Fucking edgy teen who hated his parents or something. 

Things were fine again, walking in silence, only the sound of shoes on the concrete. Your back had started hurting a bit ago, and you really needed a nap. You had quite literally been up for over 24 hours straight. It didn't help that the sky had started to brighten, even as clouds rolled in and covered the sky. It was supposed to rain later, as told by Bakugou's weather app. You would definitely sleep through the rain.

There were more people out now, them waking up and starting a new day. People who looked like they were off to business meetings and those who looked like they had just gotten up, those on their morning jog and some getting home from a night shift. It was lovely to see the world come alive, to see people's morning routines. 

It got denser the closer the both of you got to the bakery, other shops and businesses littered around making it a popular area to be. Just meant you could see Shoto soon. You wondered how he had been for the past few hours, if he had eaten, gotten any rest, or tried to make friends with the other kids. You hoped he had at least talked to them.

Speaking of which, the bakery's sign came into view and a line was forming at the front door. Was this a normal day for Avery? Holy shit. That's how she affords marble floors. It must have been only 5 or so in the morning, and she was awake from at least 11, 'cause that's when you left. Does she live close by? How does she open this early?? You guessed it made sense. She was a baker after all, she has to get up to make what she's going to sell for the day. 

Your stomach growled as you cut through the line, with Bakugou, into the bakery. Shoto, Midoryia, and Shinsou were sitting in a booth in the corner, all looking worse for wear. You set the bags you were carrying down under the booth's table, Bakugou doing the same with what he had, and sat down.

Shoto stared at you, looking on the brink of tears, and hugged you. He was so unimaginably cold, your breath showing as he buried his head into the crook of your neck. His hair was covered in frost with smaller bits of ice falling off when he moved. Your hands hovered over his back, shaking, and you blinked. It was quiet in the bakery, the people in line respectful of their tones and volumes, save for the few who were early birds. And, in that corner booth with the four boys and you, it was silent.

After a bit, you eventually let your hands rest on Shoto's back, slowing rubbing small circles. You hoped it was comforting for him, because he would not let go of you. It was nice and concerning. Shoto rarely full on hugged you, usually just a side hug with his right side because his left was always warm. But, right now, all of him was cold, not the normal half and half you knew.

"So, uhm, is everything alright?" You looked to Shinsou and Midoryia. They too had frost on their hair, though much less than Shoto. It had melted on them, hair damp and dripping onto their shirts. Something obviously happened. 


Not much was said, only that he had come back like this. He had left to go after you. They didn't know what happened between the two events, and Shoto wasn't in the mood to talk. You would have to ask him about it later, but for now, you and Shoto needed showers and to change clothes. So, you grabbed all three bags and said goodbye to Shinsou, Midoriya and Bakugou, telling them the two of you needed some rest. 

"If you get bored, you have my number." Shinsou stood up, gave you a quick salute, and left. Bakugou was on his phone. You weren't sure he was even listening. Midoriya was fidgety and picked at his fingernails.

"Are you sure you don't need anything else? Kacchan and I can stay here if you want, and I was thinking of getting food anyway and you haven't eaten either and neither has Todoroki nor Kacchan and I could pay because I brought money and-"

"Holy shit, Deku. Do you ever shut the fuck up? The fucker just said they...ersonal fucking space. You can...ood and leave..."

You left the two to bicker, Shoto and bags in tow, to find Avery. If you had to guess, she'd be in the kitchen, and, not to your surprise, she was. She wore an apron that said, 'Don't Kiss Me, I'm The Cook' and was putting a tray of cookie dough into the oven. You knocked on the door frame and shifted in your spot. It smelt like chocolate and sugar. 

"Oh!" Avery closed the oven and wiped her hands on a cloth. "I'm glad you made it back safe, Sugar, and with your things. Is there somethin' ya' need? I've got pancakes mixed and ready to be put on the stove if you're hungry." 

"Uhm, I was hoping we could use your shower, if that's alright." You rolled your shoulder to ease out the tenseness of it. Shoto was still cold and clinging to your other arm. Shit fucking sucks. Literally no fucking memory or recollection of the past eight months, nor of even ever being fucking kidnapped. Just in that stupid, smelly fuckin' bar and then boom! heading to the entrance exam.

Like, what the fuck could have happened? Shigiraki mentioned AFO doing some fucked up shit about quirks, but what? He said something 'bout the fucker trying to put more than one quirk in something... but how would that even work? You guessed it could technically be possible since OFA exists, but what are the chances. 

Maybe you could see for yourself? You knew where the bar was, if the fuckers were even there anymore. Shigiraki was with the heroes now, or whatever he was doing, so they could have moved... It would be stupid to stay in the same place after letting who you kidnapped go, too. Though it wouldn't hurt to check, would it? Just to see if they were there? In and out. 


"Ah- I-I'm so sorry, I blanked. Could- Could you repeat that?" Your face flushed and you shrunk in on yourself. Fucking dumbass. 

"That's alright. The bathroom is upstairs, second door on the left. There are towels under the sink, as well as extra shampoo and bodywash. Use whatever one you want." Avery smiled and motioned to a stairway in the back, marble tiles changing to wooded stairs. "Oh, and I'm also babysitting for a friend, so there's two kids up there. They shouldn't bother you too much, they're good kids."

She waved you off and went back to baking, leaving you and Shoto to fend off against the worst kind of people...


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