✔Chapter fucking five: Pudding

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Everyone was sat in the living room, per your request, so you could get to know more about the people you would be staying with. Quirks, names, favorite color, animal, how they view the afterlife... All that fun stuff. You were alright with this and took a liking to the older children: specifically Touya and Fuyumi. They were cool and really nice! Fuyumi offered to give you a tour of the place, but Enji just had to cut in and explain that you would be in a separate building entirely. What a party pooper. You got up and held onto your pendant, dragging your bag up with you.

"I'm thirsty." Was the only explanation you gave before you left the room to go find the kitchen, socks padding lightly on the wooden floor. Your grubby five-year-old hands opened and closed doors repeatedly to try and find the kitchen, only seeing storage closets or rooms instead. Once at the end of the fifth hall, you realized you were lost. An odd predicament, but nothing you couldn't get yourself out of. You ran to the beginning of the hall, going down a different one with tan walls. At the end of that one, the floors became tiled, and counters lined the walls. Your eyes glittered and you climbed onto the granite tops, rummaging through the cabinets for cups.

"Found you." You opened the last cupboard and lit up at the vast amounts of glasses, all clear and the same size. Ignoring the voice coming closer, and the urge to knock all of the cups to the ground, you took one and filled it with tap water from the sink. A small achievement, but one you were proud of. The liquid inside was almost gone instantly, your thirst quenched. Your mouth was hydrated and you felt accomplished, grinning and filling it again. You looked up and waved to the boy in the entryway, Touya raising a brow at you.

"Do you guys have pudding?" You blinked at him expectantly, putting down the, once again empty, glass. He didn't look amused as he went to one of the doors, opening it to reveal a pantry. His hand reached in and took hold of a small, plastic container, chocolatey brown deliciousness inside. You gasped and hopped from the counter, grabbing it from him before he could reel away. A cackle left your mouth as you tore open the pudding, a ravenous battle cry shortly leaving after. The Todoroki backed away slightly, confusion written on his face.

"So, kid, do you know what you're getting into by living here?" Touya crossed his arms and leaned against the wall, watching you inhale the chocolate delight. You tilted your head and swallowed what was in your mouth, finding the trash can and throwing away the plastic. Your hands picked at the fabric of your shirt, (E/C) eyes glittering with a quizzical light. He pursed his lips and tapped his foot, waiting for a response from you. You laughed as if it were obvious since you were five and your new caretaker was a hero.

"I've seen him on the TV. He doesn't talk about his family, so I didn't even know you guys were real. In public he's okay, I guess, but he could be nicer when he talks. He doesn't seem like a very nice man, but he's one of the good guys. Hero or not, I can't judge." You shrugged, finger twitching lightly. The Todoroki scoffed and rolled his eyes, preparing to say something in return. "But I can't say anything. This is the first time I've met him in person, and I'm being let into his home. At first, it was sorta weird, and I don't think the pretty lady likes it here. If that's anything to go off of, then I might not, either."

"Pretty lady? Do you mean my mom? Yea, she's not happy with dad. He's not the best parent..." Touya scratched at his arm, teal eyes focused on the tiled floor. You trained your (E/C) irises on him, searching for anything in him that was off. He seemed distant and sad, almost like he was cut off from something. Probably a real support system, but who had a stable one these days? "What about your parents, kid, what were they like? And how come you're not, like, crying over them?"

"My mom's really cool! She has this pretty (H/C) hair and bright (E/C) eyes. If you ever see her, you couldn't miss her." You smiled at the thought of her coming back to get you. She was just meeting with some clients, that was all. That's what she told you, so it has to be true. "My dad was okay, too. He took me out for ice cream one time! He's had these dark (E/C) eyes and hair, and three hand-tendril things sticking from his back. And I'm not crying, because I don't want to be sad. I've cried today, but now I want to wait for mom to come back and take me home."

"She never worked with the best of people, and most nights she would come back covered in red paint, but she's great. Your dad said that the doctors tried to contact her and couldn't get in touch, but that's because she's not allowed to have her phone where she works. She comes back with a new one each time." You wanted her to come back desperately. If you stayed in this household, you could figure out why the pretty lady is sad. And if you could find that out, your mother could help them. She knew a lot of people who could help out, after all. You did too. You knew them all. Your mother told you about them, for your safety if anything happened.

"Whatever you say, kiddo. I'm pretty sure she's not coming back, though. I don't know what he sees in you, since he deemed every one of us failures. Except for Shoto, though, because he got both of their quirks..." You remembered that you wanted to punch the fiery man, this was another reason to do so. Maybe you could hit him. He seemed pretty buff, but not as much as All Might. You could tell him that since he seemed to not like talking about anyone above him. You didn't like this topic.

"What if I can get you out? You, your siblings, and your mom?" You held your hand to keep it from twitching, sitting on the ground when your side started to hurt. Touya looked at you like you were an alien, eyes wider and stance slacking. He laughed at your words and rolled his eyes again, stopping once he realized you were serious. "My mom knows people and made me memorize some numbers and addresses. If you need a dis-disc- secret place to stay, I can call some of them. The spots are already paid for and I personally know a guy."

"You're a fucking five-year-old, how much could you know?" You could tell that he didn't believe you, but that was alright. You would just have to show him, make him trust in you. If you couldn't trust the people close to you, who could you trust? That wasn't the point. You had to get these people out. The pretty lady was sad, Touya didn't like it here, and it didn't seem like a safe environment. You were five, how could you know all these things? Your mother was a great woman. She taught you everything you know. Well, mostly. Your father taught you how to put somebody in a chokehold, and how to get out of one. 

Hands-on experience is the best teacher, after all.

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