✔ Chapter fucking seventeen: Fuck Off

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"So, this crusty ass bitch kidnapped you?" Bakugou jabbed a thumb in Shigaraki's direction, who only sunk deeper into the seat. You shrugged and sipped your water. You were really giving out information to strangers, huh. Here you were, spewing out you were kidnapped when you didn't even want Avery to know your name, or for broccoli boy, and boom bitch to know your personal life. Dumbass. "How in fucks name does that happen? Looks like a weak fuck to me."

You shrugged again and went to check the time, but you still didn't have a phone. "Time check? I need to get to the abode to get some things." You needed your pendant, book, some clothes, and personals. You could also grab some things for Shoto from the bathroom closet. No way in hell were you going into the main building.

"It's almost 11, but should you really be going back there? What if something happens? At least take someone with you. Or we could just buy you some new things! I would be happy to help you out, Sugar." Avery's leg was shaking, foot tapping on the marble floor. How the fuck could she afford marble flooring.

"If anyone wants to come with, sure, but I'd like to keep it on the down-low. And if anyone ends up getting hurt, well..." You shook out your hands and cracked your knuckles. "Aizawa can cancel his quirk, but, no offense, Enji could beat the shit out of you. But I really do think going alone is the best choice. In and out, ya know?"

"If you're so worried about being weak, I'll just come." Bakugou put his elbows on the table and leaned forward. "I'll blast him straight to hell if I have to."

You sighed. "I literally just said.., whatever. Shinsou, Shoto, Midoriya, either hang out or stay with Aizawa. Please don't separate. I'll be back here soon." You stretched your arms and scooted from the booth, Bakugou following along. You hoped it wouldn't take long.

"(Y/N), are you sure? We could talk to father and figure things out, right? We could-"

"Shoto, Candy Cane, if he were to catch us on the property, we wouldn't just be a missing person's case." You slipped a wad of Yen onto the table and dusted off your shirt. "That should cover what they order, please make sure they eat."


"We'll be back soon."


"You're just letting them leave?! Some heroes you are!" Shoto shoved Midoryia and Shinsou from the booth to get out. "We can't just let them go like that! Why are you letting them go like that?"

"Young Todoroki, that was very rude of you. Why would you push your friend and Young Midoryia? Apologize immediately."

Shoto wasn't having any of this shit and left the bakery, slamming the door as he did. He looked to his left, to his right, then straight ahead, though you weren't anywhere to be seen. He wished he paid more attention to where the abode was on your outings. He usually just followed you around.

The city looked different at night. It reminded him of when he found you in the alley. That was the only time he knew how to get to you, like a feeling. And so, he started to walk to the left. This was one thing he was sure of, and he sure as hell wasn't going to let you and the blasty son of a bitch get caught.


"Who's this fucker that's got you n' your brother spooked? You both just that fuckin' weak?" Bakugou was walking in front of you with his hands in his pockets. You scoffed and shoved past him, shoes slapping on the ground. You just needed to get there. In and out. "This dude can't be that bad, just toughen up! You talked like he could kill you-"

"Because he can. Almost has..." You stopped walking and turned to face him. "...The man I am talking about is Enji Todoroki, publicly known as Endeavour. I talk as if he could kill me because he can. I've had to toughen up about this for fucking years and I've about had enough. Now, you can turn back around and tell the others about how obnoxiously childish and dickish you were, or you can shut the fuck up and come on. Your choice." You sighed and ran your hand over your face. You didn't feel like dealing with this.

UnStoppable (MHA Various x Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें