Chapter 3 - Bittersweet

Start from the beginning

I walked over toward the others saying hello and joining in their games, there were many different children here; some were dwarfs, elves, giants, fairies, guardians, and even a few shifters. My heart pained at their loss of family but a smile lit my face at their joy of being with one another, they had formed a unique bond that I found I sometimes envied. They had a new family even if they didn’t realize it.

They took my hand and pulled me into the game that they were playing. We ran and jumped until they were exhausted. I tried to ignore the ache in my leg but it slowed me down and I collapsed with them. The oldest was a twelve year old boy, named Eric, at thirteen they were sent to train the local academy, and taught how to either become a farmer or a soldier and water skills. The girls were sent to the same academy to learn cooking and cleaning as well as basic water skills. It gave them a chance to earn a living but lately its funding had been cut short and they had had to start kicking out those who weren’t learning as quickly or couldn't pay a fee to stay.

And the orphans, although having a good work ethic installed in them by Galena, could not pay the fee. The same thing was happening all throughout Oceana. Where was the money that had been funding these things?  Good question. Our government was falling apart from the inside out. We needed reform but no one had yet to start the wave. And I wasn’t sure how to do it. We needed a leader but I knew it couldn’t be me. They needed someone that didn’t have to hide.

I looked at the children and they smiled at me tiredly pulling me out of my brooding thoughts. I sighed in contentment in the sea of wriggling bodies I was lost in. I smiled back at them all and then one yelled out “Flood Zea!” I sat up to bolt for it, only to be toppled onto the ground again as I was mobbed.

I laughed and then gasped out, “I surrender! You win! Terms!”

They piled off and sat around and one called out, “A story!”

Another shrieked and said, “The one about the Queen!”

Yet another said, “The one about the battle of the dragons!”

“No, the battle of Balmentia!”

I held up a hand and shouted, “We shall vote!”

They all fell silent eager to choose.

“Now then you know the rules, one vote per person and no talking while I count, ok?”

They all nodded solemnly, they loved stories.

“Good, now then the options are as follows: the Dragon War, Battle of Balmentia, the Queen’s Forbidden Actions, and the Pirate Duchess. Think them over carefully for a moment. Now then all those for the Dragon war raise your hand,”

Two boys and a girl raised their hands. I shot them an apologetic look and they smiled at me and shrugged, knowing that I’d tell them it another time perhaps.

“Those for the Battle of Balmentia?”

Ten boys and five girls raised their hands.

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