Chapter 26: Japan

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Ska and I had planned this trip in February. It was supposedly our squad's first overseas trip. Driggs and Kat couldn't confirm at that time, they just had their 2-week honeymoon in Hawaii. Mike had begged off because his eldest sister's family is coming home from the US in summer for a month-long vacation. They haven't seen her for seven years and would like to spend all this time to bond with his brother-in-law, nephews, and niece. We understood our friends. Besides, the last time Ska and I were on a vacation abroad was almost two years ago.

Our destination...Japan. We would have loved to go there during the cherry blossoms season, however, our workload and schedules wouldn't permit us. There wasn't anything planned yet, workload-wise, in the latter part of May and early June. So Ska and I immediately agreed on the dates and we requested a 5-day paid time-off from our respective bosses. We got the approval the same week we filed it. And the planning kicked off.

Real talk - traveling is stressful...but rewarding. And like most rewards before you reap it, you go through a heap of stress first. In my experience in out-of-the-country vacations, it starts with deciding on the dates; then estimating a budget for the duration of the trip; booking a flight; lodging reservations; creating the trip's itinerary – Ska and I balance our trips between guided tours and DIY explorations; and lastly, packing.

Two weeks before our trip, I already have my checklist, which essentially is my OOTD cheat sheet. Since we're traveling during the latter part of spring and beginning of summer, it's the perfect season to strut in my floral dress, wrap-around skirt, denim jumper, shirtdress, cropped pants, and gaucho, and then pair them with a cardigan or denim jacket or a shawl. Thinking about what I will wear is nerve-wracking but is also a self-indulging endeavor.  

I rummaged through my closet while I list down and took pictures of the pieces of clothing that I would possibly wear – the more options, the better. In deciding, I had to consider the places we'd be visiting. Coming up with an OOTD is tedious. You don't only mix and match your clothes but you would pair it with the location as well. A stylish outfit to compliment a picturesque backdrop equals an IG-worthy photo.

Most of the time, I prefer not to wear something I've worn in my previous travels. And always, I purchase something new.

(Roughly two weeks ago...)

It's was after work on a Tuesday when I decided to go shopping. I was getting anxious to complete my wardrobe. I don't want to cram a week before we leave. I just needed three pieces of apparel. If I don't find them today, I still have some more days to look around.

I was searching for my size at this rack of peach floral dresses when I heard someone call my name. I turned to my left and saw Mike.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" I asked and went about with my business, scanning for my size.

"Looking for something to buy," he answered. "Shopping for your outfit in Japan?"


"Nice dress."

"Yeah, sadly they don't have my size...bummer." I sighed and returned the dress I fitted. "What are you looking for?"

"I...really don't know. I was just window shopping. Maybe you can help?"

"Sure! Is it for Auntie Tessa? Or for Jane?" I was walking a step ahead to the other clothes rack.

"No.'s for...someone special."

I stopped in my tracks and abruptly turned to him. "Don't tell me you like someone?" I gaped. I was curious but at the same time dreadful of his answer.

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