Little love

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The innocence
that resonates within your tiny eyes,
the glimmer of hope
that arrived when you came to life.
You've changed more hearts
than you'll ever know
and have molded people's souls
like your own.
I know you'll do great things,
greater things than you
and I can know.
So the greatest advice
I could give, is this;
keep going,
even when times get low.
Remember who you are,
especially when others don't.
Know you're beautiful,
more beautiful than you'll be able to understand.
There may be a time
when you feel like you're alone,
but I can promise you,
you will never be alone.
In times like this;
look to the stars and remember
how loved you are.
in yourself when others don't
— remain compassionate,
because that's truly the
greatest gift known.
Know you're brave;
braver than you feel.
Know you're strong;
stronger than you realize.
And know how kind you are;
you have a better heart
and soul than most.
But I'll end with this,
without a doubt,
you're going to change
the world
in whichever way you may choose.
Moment by moment —
time by time,
you're going to change the world.
So keep at it,
little love!
Know you'll always have a
loving family by
your side, throughout
this crazy life.

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{A/N} Ik this isn't very good lol but, this was for my niece when she was born <3

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