out of my control

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With unsteady feet and shaky breaths
my heart skipped a beat

as worries flooded through my head

I found myself second guessing every movement
every expression
that I had spoken up
until that very

My lips had become numb
and there was an all too familiar raging tightness in my chest

I was trying my absolute best to seem composed
all the while
my vision started to go

I was experiencing tunnel vision
and flashing fairy lights

I felt as if I wasn't actually there
but instead
in a god awful dream

With my thoughts racing and feet shifting
it felt as if my whole world
was crumbling

and I couldn't control this
at least not this time

It took everything I had
of energy
that was left

and emotions
to not physically
and mentally breakdown.

But I've realized
that somethings are out of my control

The most prominent thought that rung in my head was

"Why is this happening to me?"

because after all
I should be able to control my raging anxiety and emotions right?

Not even my confidence could prevent or control my unforgiving thoughts.

This is a feeling that I'll never forget.

Feeling as if you're powerless
a slave to your own mind and thoughts

which evolve into unwanted actions

The feeling of watching your world crumble around you
yet you have no power to change anything.

you have no option but to try your absolute best to not crumble
underneath the searing gaze of people
which takes
of energy
to do so.

But this I knew

was simply out of my control.

- a pov, through the eyes of me.

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