a flame burning, right beneath our feet

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Nothing that I say will hold enough weight
Equivalent to the systemic and engrained trauma and pain that is inflicted on certain people today.

Racism is alive and festers much on the minds of white colonizers who think their lives
are superior
Superior and everyone else is inferior
And which the lies they spew out like a flicker of a flame setting fire to a dry bush—spreading rapidly until everything—every living thing—becomes apart of the voices that fuel hate

it's a shame
That so many
are already prepared
to fuel the hate
and join the voices that invoke rage

But the thing is
the fire never left
It was only poured with water
Only simmering down—enough, that if you really tried—you would be unable to turn the other way just barely feeling the heat radiating against your cheek—yet not enough—that you can say you never felt it burning right under your feet

The fire stayed.
People just got used to looking the other way

So when people say
racism is a thing
Of the past
Know, the fire that has been burning
since immigrants and slaves came
still burns today

Caused by the inaction
of the socially and economically privileged
In the present and the past

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