everything will be alright

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when the question of 'what is death?,' is brought up
the lingering question of
'what is life?' arises.

it hurts to lose somebody you love.
the pain echos through
the unrelenting waves
of shock and disbelief.

death is so hard to comprehend. it's like we will never be able to understand death.
and when i say we
i'm simply talking about me.

it's seems as though we just aren't meant to
and in order to explain the unexplainable
and something that cannot be comprehended

we make up stories in our head to make sense of death

stories about where our loved ones might be and where they can again
be seen.

all theories of what happens
and where we may go
but never truly knowing
because this I'm afraid is unknown.

unknown to us and unknown in life.

life and death being two best friends because every beginning has an end,
i guess

nothing lasts forever
that's at least what we're told
absolutely confusing me down to the bone

nothing makes sense.
but maybe it's not supposed to.

maybe i should just ride these emotions until they're gone
but, it will never be gone
there will never be something to fill this void
a void you filled before you were gone
which sounds harsh

but how else can you describe
what cannot be defined?

everyone is clueless in their own minds without concrete answers
to make sense of our lives

the only hope is the hope we create within ourselves and that same hope allows us to keep sane—in this absolute insane and incomprehensible world which is just begging me to keep brave and to put on a face

because where can we go, when death knocks on the door?

and what do we do, when death finds a way to take away the life we knew to have—a friend that you'll never be able to forget,
in which you'll never be able to understand.

all that's left are the memories
clouding your mind
some will stay forever
but others
will start to fade away like the progression of time.

with time
the memories I had of you
will start to ease and will start to leave

this is what i'm afraid of

i'll never forget you
but I'm afraid i'll start to lose the memories I have of you.

but I'm reminded of the times
you used to tell me "everything's going to be alright"
with a pat on the leg
and with those reassuring eyes
it let me known that you were right
I was reassured

that everything was going to be alright

and making me fall deaf
to the nuance noises invading
the space in my mind.

but as I held your hand off and on
throughout the night

with tears falling from my eyes

while i witness you fighting for your life
i somehow knew

not everything was going to be alright.

and the realization
that I was going to lose a big part of my life
came that night

i'm trying to be content knowing
I was able to be at your bedside
when the last moments of your life went by like a flicker of a light

words will never be able to describe how much i miss you.

maybe one day i'll get to see you again

perhaps in another life
after this one flashes by
before my eyes
just before i take my last breath
with the words that take control of my thoughts

"Everything is going to be okay,"

Thank you for the wisdom and endless love,
I hope to see you soon.
I love you.


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