living a lie

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why is my heart still shattered,
black and blue,
tiny fragments of hues that remind me
of everything I lost—when I lost you.

It's a tragedy and a muse.
A figment of my imagination and way to distract myself from my life—to let loose.

because I'm always reminded of you

The you that I've shaped and molded in my mind, like clay, that I've made feel right. I eased the imperfections and I even made myself blind—to the truth and the reality, that I can't imagine that you are who I want you to be.
That wouldn't be fair to either you or me.

I went along
for so long
making the imagination of you, my truth.
It's said that, "truth, is what people believe," and I believed it of you.

My truth was not reality, and my reality was a tortured spectacle of a halfwitted life. A life I couldn't run away from if I tried.

So please forgive me—because after all this time, I'm still living a lie

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