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Sunlight poured through the library window and glowed on the surfaces of the various open books littering the table Jungkook sat at. Murmurs from courtiers and young nobles on the opposite side of the library reached his ears and grew distant as his recurring dream invaded his thoughts, splintered his concentration, and materialized before his eyes.

Dark mist wrapped around a pale neck and lifted it just enough for him to recognize the dying Luxian guard. And behind, emerging from the abyss, the demon was smiling and chuckling as it coiled its bony fingers around Jungkook's neck, its dead eyes stealing the air from his lungs.

The dream shifted, and Jungkook was pinned beneath a girl—the assassin. Her eyes were wide as her grip got tighter and tighter when, suddenly, she let go, whispering in the demon's voice, "Prince Jeon Jungkook?"

"Prince Jungkook. . . Jungkook!"

The dream shattered before Jungkook's eyes as he blinked at Snow, who sat across from him, her brows furrowed. "You were staring off again," Snow said. "Nickelyn claimed you weren't attentive during today's lesson, and Elias didn't fail to mention it, too." Jungkook winced apologetically, but she ignored it. "The issue has been decided. Elias will handle it, so stop mulling over problems you can't fix."

Frowning, Jungkook remembered the night he told them about the demon's warning and said, "We should still inform the king."

The best course of action was to notify the king, but so much time had passed since Jungkook last saw him that he didn't know where to start. After searching in vain all yesterday, Emilia had informed Jungkook that there were rumors about his father meeting Lord Aegus, Jungkook's uncle, in the south. But since Jungkook's mother passed into Lexitem's arms, his father became distant from his family—from his son. And even if Jungkook did manage to tell his father about the demon, what would change?

There are rumors about how the king sits upon his throne, watching us fellow guards of the night watch die day by day, Pascal had said. Power had blinded the king, and what was once his pride and duty had morphed into his curse. This reinforced Jungkook's fear, the horrid truth that his eyes were slowly opening to: nothing would change. The demon would continue slaughtering the night watch whether the king was informed of the possible Demon Days, and based on Elias's actions, Jungkook doubted he even fulfilled his promise. Jungkook stared at Snow and studied her glowering face, her unrelenting eyes. He could never convince her to take his side. And her response only proved it.

"His Majesty has more significant issues to take care of than his son's delusions," she said coldly.

Jungkook's heart twinged. His father never had time for anything, couldn't even raise him. He'd admit that, but for Snow to say that? For her to treat him like that? He recalled how she questioned him, how she doubted him when he had informed her of the demon, how she was treating him like he was incompetent. His palms smacked against the table as he shot to his feet, flaring.

"How many times must I tell you it wasn't an illusion!?" he screamed. His voice rang through the library, and Jungkook didn't need to turn his head to know that people were staring. Heat blossomed in his cheeks and ears as he sheepishly sat in his chair, covered his face, and lowered his voice. "You didn't see what I saw—what I felt. The thing murdering the night watch is not human or elemental. It is something. . . beyond, and even if it wasn't a demon, we should inform the king."

Snow's stern eyes softened into something he discerned as pity before she turned away and said, "You don't understand. Compared to what His Majesty has to deal with, this problem is nothing."

"Even so, the demon warned of another Demon Day, and guards are dying. The king's people—my people—are dying. How can we sit back and allow this to happen? If we with power do nothing, how are the helpless supposed to defend themselves?"

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