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Two's room in Umbra outmatched the one she was given in Lux by a long shot. Light poured through a window above a bed tucked into the corner and shone on a wardrobe greeting her from across the room. The rest of the empty space was filled with extraneous furniture she frankly had no interest in. Since her stay was short, she didn't bother to unpack her meager belongings.

Setting her bag on the bed, she made her way to the window and enjoyed the view of Hiemura. It wasn't as beautiful as the glowing city of Clarica, but Hiemura had its own charms highlighting the cooler tones of the colder seasons wonderfully. It was quite a shame she would have to leave so soon.

As of now, her promise to the Luxian prince was fulfilled. He would walk whatever path he chose, and she would leave Hiemura before she could get entangled in more affairs. Perhaps she would go to Medeia as she had planned, search for Nero and find refuge in his tavern. He wouldn't mind. She knew he would help her if he believed she truly needed it. That was how he always was.

The idea was sound, but there was a gentle ache in her chest. Instead of joy, instead of relief from being close to freeing herself from the mess she got caught in, she felt something akin to dread lancing her heart.


When she turned around, she saw Jungkook at the door. She expected him to be fiddling with his pendant or shuffling on his feet as his eyes darted all over the room, but he did none of that. He stood still in the doorway, his brown eyes directed at her. After the fight with Lucius, he seemed to have thrown away many of those little habits.

Crossing her arms, she cut straight to the point. "Our contract is near its end. It is time to fulfill your part."

Jungkook nodded, his expression glum. "It is. Is there anything you will need on your journey?"

There was nothing, in particular, Two could think of at the moment except rest. As much as she hated to admit it, leaving now would only burden her body, especially since she wasn't completely healed. She turned her arms, testing her muscles. Even though she looked healed, she was still sore from the strain of using her elements and from Lucius's attacks. It was a miracle she even made it out alive.

If she wanted to travel through Umbra, she needed to be in peak condition because there was no saying what would happen on the trails if she wasn't. "I plan to stay for a day or two until my body completely heals. After that, I will head east."

Jungkook didn't say anything for a second. He just stared at her before scratching the back of his head. "Then I will fulfill my end of the contract when you leave. I can't risk you causing trouble." A blush spread across his face, and he quickly shook his hands. "Not that I think you would, but you're an assassin, and I have to be cautious, and I can't have anyone get hurt or—"

Two raised a hand, and Jungkook shut his mouth. "I understand," she said.

His blush reached the tips of his ears, and he began to shuffle on his feet. Maybe he didn't throw all his habits away after all.

Clearing his throat, he said, "Either way, you are free now."

Free. The word echoed in Two's ears, reverberated through her skull. When Two didn't say anything in response, Jungkook awkwardly bumbled his way into another topic of discussion, fiddling with his pendant.

"In case this is the last time I can say it, thank you, Two. For helping me. With everything."

Once again, Two said nothing, too occupied with the word "free." She was free in a sense. Lucius was dead. The blood contract would soon be broken, but her situation didn't feel like that at all. She felt smothered as if hands were wrapped around her neck, and her lingering worries surfaced again, questioning whether she was taking the right path, if she had made the right decision back at the Lotus.

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