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All rights reserved. No part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means whatsoever without express written permission from the author.

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This is a work of fiction. The names of the BTS members do not belong to me, and none of the characters who share their names are in any way related to them. However, the plot, characters, and worldbuilding are products of my imagination. Any similarity to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

This is a violent fantasy epic, so if you came here looking for a romance subplot to take the lead, then look at the top left-hand side of your device and click out of this story. It is not for you. If you came here for high fantasy and a long ride, then welcome. I hope you enjoy your stay.

This story will not contain any sexually explicit scenes whatsoever, but the violence will get heavy as we reach the end. I have removed all the trigger warnings on each chapter, so if you want a content warning, here is your first and last one.

There are heavy themes—including but not limited to slavery, discrimination, war, death, abuse, and past mentions and implications of rape. The curse words frequently used are shit, damn, damn it, goddammit, whore, bitch, and bastard. As for violence, there are violent fights, nongraphic mutilations, nongraphic beheadings, character deaths, many scenes of coughing up blood, strangulation, nongraphic animal violence (RIP all the horses), gouging out eyeballs, and anything else in that range. If you found anything in that list upsetting, there is an arrow on the upper left-hand corner beckoning to you. Please read what makes you comfortable.

This story has many points of view and many side characters that serve important roles both to the main overarching themes and plot. Can you skip all the side character chapters? Yes, but the ending will feel like a deus ex machina. If that bothers you, upper left-hand corner.

If you are still here, thank you for clicking on this story and reading my note. I really hope you enjoy reading The Legends of Kartas.

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