Chapter 48:Memory

Começar do início

"WhO's InK?"I ask

"I dunno, but a message on your head says Ink's so they gotta know you!"He tells me

"SaMe wItH yOU. ExCepT it sAys ErRor's. PeRhAps wE shOulD fIND tHEm!"I suggest

"Ya! Let's go!"He cheers, grabbing my hand

I freeze up. Then everything went black. I couldn't sense anything. It was weird. But I was soon back and could see again. I slowly move and look around.

"Are you okay?"a voice asks

I look up to see my new buddy hovering over me, gazing worriedly at me. I feel a hand on my face and then realize I'm in his lap. I feel my face warm up.

"Y-ya...WhAt hApPenEd?" I reply

"You froze up when I held your hand. Then error signs covered your eyes and you fell. A bar appears, claiming you're rebooting. But I know your name now! It said you're Error! I am so glad you are ok!"He cheers, hugging me

I'm Error? What does that mean? Who am I supposed to be? Who is he to me? Why am I so odd?

"Y-You'rE nOt wEiRDeD oUt bY mE? A sKeLeToN rEbOoTInG iS wEiRd, iSn'T iT? And iF I aM ErRor, wHY cARe fOr mE?"I ask

"Nope! I find it cool! Besides, that just makes you unique! I care for you because we clearly have some connection to each other. You're also very nice and probably a good friend! Now, let's go find that Ink! Maybe they can help you!"He says, smiling

 You're also very nice and probably a good friend! Now, let's go find that Ink! Maybe they can help you!"He says, smiling

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

"BuT whO's gOnNa hElp yOu?"I ask, catching his wording

"I'm sure I'll get my memory back somehow. But I'll just follow the given clues around me. I'll help you, first though."He says, helping me up

I feel something in my pocket. I dig through it and pull out a phone. Must be mine. I open it up and get an idea. Maybe this phone has memories! I see my unnamed buddy getting the same idea after finding his phone. I enter my contacts and scroll through them. I find one labeled Inky. I tap it and it describes them, giving nicknames and stuff. I scroll through the messages. Apparently they like to call me Glitchy when they're not calling me Error. I teased him. A LOT. But the messages made it clear that we cared about each other. I find the option to call him, so I tap it. The call proceeds. I then heard a yelp. I look up and see my buddy jumping back and dropping his phone, which was vibrating. He seems panicked or nervous.

"WhAt's wRoNG?"I ask

"Someone named Glitchy is calling!"He exclaims

"WelL aNsWer tHEm! THEy cOuLd hElp yoU!"I tell him

He nods and picks the phone up. Then, Inky answers my call. I lift it to my face. I listen in. I feel my face warm, knowing who Inky could be to me.

"Hello?"my buddy's voice says on the call

Surely I must be imagining things. Be smooth, act natural. Like you know who you are and are talking to. You can do this!

ErrorInk:To Be Enemies Or Not To Be EnemiesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora