Mr. Jones- FP Jones (2)

Start from the beginning

"I see your point." FP mumbled. He couldn't help but put his head in his hand before brushing his fingers through his hair out of frustration.

"She's amazing dad. But she loves hard, and she gives it her all. I'm telling you now, she feels the same about you. But you should keep it to yourself and step back. She got accepted into an amazing college, she's going to leave. But she will always hold that love for you. And if in the end that's what the universe wants to happen, she'll come back to Riverdale and she'll come back to you. You've experienced life, you're settled and content where you're at. Give her a chance to get to that point."

"I guess it would be selfish of me to tell her. I didn't really see it that way at first. I really do love her, Jug." Jug sighed and patted his father's hand.

"I know, Dad. It'll be hard to watch her go. Just hang onto the fact that there's no doubt she loves you too."

More time passed and Y/N and FP's friendship stayed the same, both dancing around their feelings while still keeping the other close. As the day for
Y/N's graduation approached, everyone planned a surprise graduation party for her at the Andrews' house.

"Hey, Mr. Jones." Y/N smiled brightly as she entered FP's trailer.

"Hey sunshine, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at school?" FP questioned, giving her a warm hug before sitting back on the couch. She dropped her bag to the floor, sitting next to him and turning to face him. Y/N brushed her hair behind her ear and shrugged.

"No, I only have half days now, since graduation is in two weeks. And, well, I wanted to see you..." she trailed off, feeling the warmth spread to her cheeks that she was sure had turned pink fairly quickly. The older man made her nervous and excited. His presence made her feel safe and happy.

"Well I'm glad you're here now then." He smiled softly at the sweet young woman before him.

"So, um.." Y/N was struggling to find the right words, nerves filling her chest.

"What's up?"

"I know you aren't the biggest fan of public events or anything, but I was just wondering if you'd come to my graduation?" She asked shyly. She reached down and pulled a ticket out of her bag, holding it out in his direction.

"I planned on it. Wouldn't miss it for the world." He accepted the ticket from her, leaning forward and pressing a tentative kiss to her cheek. His stubble tickled her and she giggled. Her skin felt oh so soft against his lips.


Graduation day was finally here and I couldn't stop my hands from shaking. After today, I could finally pursue my dreams. The only thing that held heavy on my mind was FP.

I can't leave him.

I shook the thought from my head. Nothing more has developed from our friendship, surely that's all it is to him.

I love him.

Third Person POV

Everyone gathered in the stands of the gymnasium. Y/N's friends huddled together with poster-board signs and balloons. FP sat anxiously on the row behind them, holding a bouquet of bright yellow sunflowers and roses. Jug told him when he picked them out how much they represented Y/N. The yellow being her bright aura and FP saw it fitting as his favorite nickname for her was his sunshine. The deep red roses he told her friends represented her fiery passion for things, however it was his subtle way of showing his love for her, his devotion. Only Jug truly knew.

Everyone screamed and clapped and cheered as Y/N made her way across the stage, shaking hands with Principal Weatherbee and collecting her diploma. At the end of the event, everyone greeted her down on the basketball court. The room was full of hugs and congratulations. The group wandered to congratulate their other senior friends and FP stepped up to her. She smiled brightly, hugging the bouquet to her chest.

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