Chapter 14- Ryou applies for Naga cafe

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Later that day, Mr. Kawano came to the mansion for Yugi's lesson, While Yami watched from the distance and as he was watching, he thought about Awai.

Flash back-

Yami went downstairs towards the front door to get in his car, but as he was leaving, he saw Awai with her suitcase in her hand and tears falling down her face.

"What's the matter Awai?" Yami asked.

"My sister is pregnant." She answered sadly.

"That's good news, congratulations." Yami said.

"You don't get it, she's pregnant with her boyfriend's baby and he moved into our house." Awai said.

"And that bothers you?" Awai asked.

"It doesn't bother me, but she rather focus on her pregnancy and be with her boyfriend than have time for me, she rather forget all about me." Awai said.

"Perhaps it's because she's trying to start a family and have her hard working boyfriend to take  care of both her and the baby, so of course she doesn't have time for you." Yami said.

"That's not the end of it, they're also getting married, I left my sister's house because I knew they're going to need a room to put the baby in after it's born and I don't want to get involve in their happiness." Awai said.

"I don't see why." Yami said.

"Because I rather come live with you than live with my sister and her boyfriend who is now her fiance." Awai said.

"Awai." Yami said.

"Please Yami? Let me move in with you, I have nowhere else to go and I feel heartbroken because my sister forgotten all about me." Awai said as she pleaded with him.

Yami looked at her and felt sorry for her.

He closed his eyes as he hummed and opened them.

"Very well, you can move in with me." He said.

"Oh Yami, thank you!" Awai said as she gave him a hug.

Yami ended up hugging her back.

End flashback-

"To me, what she told me about her sister and her fiance never made any sense and it didn't look like she wasn't trying to make sense, that's why our relationship is a sham, she wasn't making any sense to me." Yami thought to him as he was wrapping his brain around the fact he never understand Awai.

As he looked at Yugi, he started having feelings for him.

Then Shadi walked up beside him and noticed he was looking at Yugi since Mr. Kawano started tutoring him.

"Mr. Sennen, you have been looking at Mr. Moto since Mr. Kawano started tutoring him." He said.

Yami looked at him and looked back at Yugi as he felt his heart just skipped a beat.

"I've never felt this way about anyone since Awai. I want to do something for him, but what?" Yami asked.

"Well, sir you can take him back to the night club and make up for last night's mistake." Shadi said.

"You're right, I'll take him back to the nightclub tonight after work, I can bond with him alot better there." Yami said.

"Excellent idea Mr. Sennen." Shadi said.

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