Mini story 3- Me and my better half; the things we do

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Yugi's story-

My better half name is Yami, we did everything together.

We went to the same school together, we hung out at the arcade together.

We eat ice together, we play trading card games together.

We live together, We watch TV together.

We bathe together, we sleep together.

We play and throw snowballs at each other.

We dance together, but what do Yami do for me?

He protects me from those who meant me harm, but sometimes he takes things too far with the mind crush thing, I would yell at him about it.


"BUT THEY WAS HURTING YOU!" Yami said as he yelled at me back.

We would fuss and fight about it.

Then we made up after that.

"I'm so sorry, can you forgive me?" Yami asked me.

"Of course." I said.

We kiss and have sex together.

"I love you Yami." I said to him.

"I love you too Yugi." He said.

I'm sorry I made this part short, chapter 30 of the love of the Naga master and the pure hearted angel is coming soon.

Right now I'm doing eight other stories and I'm having writers block.

So sadly, this story is going to be the last story I'm gonna be finishing.

So please enjoy reading some the stories that I recently updated and thank you for your patients.

😉My name is KeyiraWells1299 and I got work to do. Holla back!

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