Chapter 9 - Shit just about to get real WORD!

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Yugi sat in Yami's room, thinking about what he told him.

Flash back-

"I'm home." Yugi said.

"Ah Yugi, you're here." Yami said.

"Yeah, for some reason I had to leave early today." Yugi said.

"That's right." Yami said.

"But I don't understand, why do I have to leave school so early?" Yugi asked.

"Because, Yoshino and Awai are looking for you and they're on their way to the university." Yami said.

"They are?" Yugi asked.

"Yes, so which means you have to drop out of the university." Yami said.

"What, why?!" Yugi asked.

"Because while Yoshino is out there looking for you, he's having Awai tagging along and I can't have either of them harm you on broad daylight." Yami said.

"Harm me? What did I do?" Yugi asked.

"You didn't do anything, so don't worry, I'm here with you." Yami said.

"But I don't understand, why Mr. Yoshino wants to harm me?" Yugi asked.

"When I stood up for you against him, I fired him from Sennen's Marriott and now he wants revenge." Yami said.

"So he blames me for letting you fire him?" Yugi asked.

Yami hummed as he nodded his head 'yes'.

Yugi was in complete shock as fear for his life.

"Which is why you need to drop out of college, because the odds of Yoshino coming to the university to find you could end badly and I don't want anything bad happens to you." Yami said.

As much as Yugi want to finish college before he drops out, he doesn't want to risk the odds of getting killed in the hands of Yoshino.

"Okay, I'll drop out of the university." Yugi said.

"I'm sorry, I have to force you to do this Yugi. It's just that I don't want you to get killed by Yoshino because of me." Yami said as he started to feel guilty.

"It's no big deal, now I understand what you're trying to do." Yugi said.

End flash back-

"Well there goes my degree." Yugi said to himself.

He started to feel sad at first, but he realized his life was at stake as Yami was trying to protect him from Yoshino.

Speaking of Yami, he stood outside of his room thinking about Yugi.

"I hope Yugi is not too mad at me for forcing him to drop out of college because of Yoshino." Yami said as he started to worry.

He took a deep breath and relaxed himself as he walked into his room and saw Yugi sitting at his desk.

"Ah, Yami. I didn't know you rather or not, you were coming upstairs." He said.

"I thought you needed some time alone after I told you to drop out of the university." Yami said.

"You look sad." Yugi said.

"I was wondering if you're not too mad at me for forcing you to drop out." Yami said as he started to feel guilty.

"Well, it was my third week since I've been in college and I recently applied to go to university of Tokyo." Yugi said.

"I'm so sorry." Yami said as he started to feel even more guilty.

"Don't be sorry." Yugi said.

"I didn't realize you had already applied, how wrong of me to force you to drop out knowing that you didn't stay long enough to quit school, just like you didn't stay long enough to quit working at my hotel. I feel so guilty for forcing you to resign and drop out of the university because of me." Yami said sadly.

Yugi didn't know what to do, all he could do was look at Yami with sadness in his eyes.

"It's okay, I'm not mad at you." He said.

"Is there anything I can do to help you?" Yami asked.

"No, I can see that you're trying to protect me, it's just that how am I going to explain to my grandpa when he asked me how was college?" Yugi asked.

"Your grandpa is going to ask you how was college?" Yami asked.

"Yeah, and I don't know how am I going to tell him when he do ask me and he already paid for my tuition, now how am I going to pay him back?" Yugi asked.

"How much is your tuition?" Yami asked.

"535,800 Yen." Yugi answered.

"535,800 Yen?" Yami asked.

"Yes." Yugi answered.

"And he paid that much for you to apply?" Yami asked.

"Yes, and it's because we own a game shop in Domino. I told you my house is also a game shop and I always helped my grandpa run it when I was in high school. He would give me my allowance and I had been saving it bit by bit for college, my grandpa would throw in a few extra yen to go towards my allowance for me to go to Tokyo institute of technology, just to make sure I had enough, but now since I'm dropping out, how am I going to pay my grandpa back?" Yugi asked.

"Let me ask you this, do you have to pay your grandpa back." Yami asked.

"No, but I want to pay him back because it's what I want to do. I need to finda  job so I can pay my grandpa back and save some more money on my own." Yugi said as he started to feel sad.

"Then I'll help you." Yami said.

"You will?" Yugi asked.

"Of course, I'll help you pay your grandpa back and as for your college tuition, I can hire a private tutor for you." Yami said.

"Thank you so much." Yugi said.

Meanwhile somewhere in Tokyo...

"What do you mean Yugi Moto is not here?" Awai asked.

"He left early this afternoon, I'm not sure why, I'm sorry." The teacher said.

Awai bowed down and walked away.

"Well?" The mystery man asked as he ran into her.

"No luck, he's not here." Awai said.

"Damnit, where can he be?" The mystery man asked.

"Well, we already tried Yami's mansion and they said he's not there." Awai said.

"That's what they told you, but I know he's over there." The mystery man said.

"What are we going to do?" Awai asked.

"We're going to spy on him and Mr. Sennen and follow them everywhere they go, then we're going to catch them off  guard and have Mr. Sennen surrender his hotel to me." The mystery man said.

"And what about that Yugi Moto boy?" Awai asked.

"We're going to kill him." The mystery man said.

"Seriously?" Awai asked.

"Yes, but only if we make a trade, if Yami surrenders his hotel to me Yugi lives, if not then we'll kill him." The mystery man said.

"And Yami will be mine?" Awai asked.

"Yami will be yours." The mystery man said.

"That's despicable, I like it." Awai said.

"Shit just about to get real when I grind both Yugi Moto and Yami Sennen in the dirt." The mystery man said.

"WORD!" Awai said as she agreed with him.

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