Chapter 21- It's our secret between us plus Shadi

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"Yami, Ryou starts working at the Naga cafe tomorrow morning right?" Yugi asked.

"That's right, why?" Yami asked.

"I was just asking." Yugi said as he was staring at the water.

"You want to tell him about us, do you?" Yami asked.

"Yes, I do." Yugi answered as he was feeling uneasy about keeping secrets.

"I see." Yami said.

"I know you don't look happy, but Ryou is my friend and I can't..." Yugi cut off.

"Yugi, it's alright. I know you can't keep any secrets from him and you feel the need to tell him that you're living with me because I'm protecting you." Yami said.

"So you do understand, right?" Yugi asked.

"Of course, just don't have him go and tell everyone." Yami said.

"I won't, thank you for understanding." Yugi said.

"I just feared for us getting found out, I hope they don't find out  about us." Yami said.

"Ryou can keep a secret, he won't tell anyone." Yugi said.

"I know he can keep a secret, I just hope  Bakura doesn't go around spreading any rumors about us." Yami said.

"And what would happen if he does?" Yugi asked.

"Then, I feared that Yoshino and Awai would hunt us down and destroy us." Yami said.

"But, will they destroy us anyway?" Yugi asked?"

"They would only destroy us if I don't give them what they want." Yami said.

"What do they want?" Yugi asked.

"They want my hotel and not only that, I know Awai wanted me to cut all ties with you." Yami said.

"Why?" Yugi asked.

"Because she wanted me to get back together with her, but I don't nothing to do with her, she had already chosen her fate, for she wanted to be with her ex boyfriend." Yami said as he started putting some body wash on the sponge.

"I see." Yugi said.

"But I don't want to talk about that right now, let's get you cleaned up, so you can see Mr. Kawano and go to the Naga cafe tomorrow." Yami said as he started scrubbing Yugi.

The next morning, breakfast time...

"Yugi, Yugi wake up." Yami said as he shook him.

"Hwaa, what? What is it?" Yugi asked as he woke up.

"You fell asleep on your eggs and bacon." Yami said.

"Aaaahhhh! How embarrassing!" Yugi exclaimed as he grabbed his handkerchief and wiped his face.

"Why don't you go back upstairs and sleep some more." Yami said.

"But I have to be ready for Mr. Kawano." Yugi said.

"I'll tell him you're not feeling well." Yami said.

"But I...." Yugi was cut off.

"It's the least I can do." Yami said.

"Okay." Yugi said as he got up from the table and left the dining area to go upstairs, leaving Yami feeling sorry for himself for keeping him up all night.

"You seem troubled Mr. Sennen." Shadi said.

"What do you mean?" Yami asked.

"Something is troubling you, did you and Mr. Moto had a fight last night?" Shadi asked.

"No, we didn't had a fight." Yami said.

"Then, how come I heard you and him moaning last night?" Shadi asked.

Yami looked at him in total shock.

"You heard us last night?" He asked.

"Yes I did, was that wrong of me to eavesdrop on you two?" Shadi asked.

"Come with me." Yami said as he got up from his seat, grabbed Shadi by his hand, left the dining area and went into the living room.

He took a deep breath as he started telling Shadi what happened with him and Yugi last night.

"Me and Yugi....we made love last night." Yami said.

Shadi was at a loss for when his master told him that.

"You and Mr. Moto...?" He asked as he was in shock.

"Hmm!" Yami hummed as he nodded his head.

"Mr. Sennen, I am happy for you, speechless, but happy for you." Shadi said.

"But I haven't told you the whole story yet." Yami said.

"There is no need for you to tell me, I knew you would find happiness, I have been praying for five weeks to Ra that you and Mr. Moto would be destin to be together, I am happy for both of you." Shadi said.

"Thank you Shadi, just promise me you won't tell anyone about this, especially Awai." Yami said.

"You have my word Mr. Sennen." Shadi said.

"Good." Yami said.

"Excuse me Mr. Sennen, Mr. Kawano just called, he won't be able to come to the mansion and tutor Mr. Moto today because he has the flu." The staff said.

"Very well, I'll let Yugi know, thank you." Yami said.

The staff bowed down to him and walked away.

"Now, you have Mr. Moto all to yourself." Shadi said.

"Indeed I do." Yami said as he agreed with him and started to feel happy that he got Yugi all to himself.

Two hours later, Yami upstairs to his room and check on Yugi, he noticed that he was sound asleep.

"Yugi, wake up." Yami said.

"Mmm! Hmm, what is it Yami?" Yugi asked as he woke up.

"It's time to work, let's go." Yami said.

"Ah, Mr. Kawano!" Yugi exclaimed.

"Don't worry, Mr. Kawano called in sick, so he won't be able to come over here and tutor you today." Yami said.

"Oh, so I guess that means I'm all yours today huh?" Yugi asked as he scratched the back of his head.

"Hmm! And we're going to be doing some hanging out later on." Yami said as he smiled.

"I see." Yugi said.

"Let's get going." Yami said.

"Hmm!" Yugi hummed as he nodded his head.

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